Computer science sample question paper 2020

 Computer science Question paper set-I

Subject: Computer Science (083)

Time 3 Hrs Class :- XI MM 70

General Instructions:

1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.

2. Both Part A and Part B have choices.

3. Part-A has 2 sections:

a. Section – I is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line.

b. Section – II has two case studies questions. Each case study has 4 case-based subparts. An

examinee is to attempt any 4 out of the 5 subparts.

4. Part - B is Descriptive Paper.

5. Part- B has three sections:

a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two question have internal


b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two questions have internal


c. Section-III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each in which one question has internal


6. Programming Language – Python

7. 15 minutes are allotted to read the question paper.

 Part A

         Section I

Attempt any 15 out of question number 1-21:

Q 1 CPU has sub components namely Control Unit, registers and __________ 1

Q 2 _________ converts a high level language to machine code & execute it line by line. 1

Q 3 Write full form of EEPROM. 1

Q 4 ASCII stands for _______ 1

Q 5 How many bits are there in ASCII? 1

Q 6 Name the encoding scheme that could represent characters of all the known languages. 1

Q 7 Which gate gives high output when odd number of inputs are high? 1

Q 8 State both DeMorgan’s Laws. 1

Q 9 ___________ is an informal way to express logic of a problem independent of any

programming language.


Q 10 Step wise solution in natural language for a problem is called _________ 1

Q 11 Write invalid identifier out of the following (i) _2 (ii) 2nd_day (iii) Day_2 (iv) Day2 1

Q 12 a+=b can also be written as ________ 1

Q 13 What are tokens? 1

Q 14 Continue -> is keyword or identifier ? 1

Q 15 State the character using which a single line string can be represented in multiple lines. 1

Q 16 Whether lists are immutable. (Write True or False) 1

Q 17 Identify this data type :- L = [1, “a”, 7.5] 1

Q 18 Write output of following :


del L[2]



Q 19 Write output of following:

print(“This is a random \n text with\n newline character”)


Q 20 What will be the value of s in following line of code:

s = “Go!” * 3


Q 21 Write output of following code:

if -1:


else :

 print(“minus one”)

                  Section II

Q 22 Kids Writing Technologies help nursery children to improve their writing such as

recognition of lower and uppercase letters, punctuation, and digits.

Write a program that should prompt the child to type a sentence followed by “enter”. It

should then print the original sentence and any four out of following five statistics related

to the sentence.

(i) Number of words

(ii) Number of alphabets

(iii) Number of digits

(iv) Number of spaces

(v) Number of symbols (other than alphabets, digits & spaces)

Q 23 Phoneix Classes has opened for enrollment for providing coaching of JEE. Students can

enroll their names or cancel the enrollment by filling the application form at the office.

Names of more than one student can be added in one application form.

A program is developed in Python using List data type (identifier/variable name “L”) to

maintain a list of the names of individual student that have enrolled for the course. The

element of list is a string containing name of a student. A student’s name is added in the

list at the time of enrollment and removed from the list on cancellation. Write the possible

python statement for any four of the following five operations

(i) Enroll name of a single applicant at the end. (string data type with identifier/variable

name “Name”)

(ii) Enroll names of more than one applicant provided in a list. (list data type with

identifier/variable name L1)

(iii) Cancel enrollment of an applicant (string data type with identifier/variable name


(iv) Count number of applicants with a name provided (string data type with

identifier/variable name “Name”)

(v) Total number of enrollment

Part B

                    Section III

Q .24 Write and define different types of softwares. 2

Q .25 What is Operating System? Write its two functions. 2

Q .26 Write decimal equivalent of a hexadecimal number (3EA)16 2

Q.27 Draw circuit diagram for the expression A’B+B’C’+AC 2

Q. 28 Draw a flowchart for algorithm to print whether a number input by the user is odd or even. 2

Q. 29Write algorithm to find greatest out of three numbers. 2

Q.30 Convert the following mathematical expressions to python expressions

(i) (s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))1/2

 (ii) (1+r/100)t

Q.31 ‘’’ This text #line 1

spans in #line 2

more than one line ‘’’ #line 3

# This text spans in one line #line 4

a,b=5,7 #line 5

print(a+b) #line 6

On the basis of above program attempt any two of the following. Which line(s) contains:

(i) a docstring

(ii) comment

(iii) multiple assignment

Q.32 Rewrite the following code after removing errors and underline each correction.


If a>b

 print “a is greater”


print(“b is greater”)

Q.33 y=int(input(“Enter an year : ”)

if y%100==0:

 if y%400==0:

 print(“Century year and leap year”)


 print(“Century year but not a leap year”)


 if y%4==0:

 print(“Leap Year”)


 print(“Not a Leap Year”)

What will be the output of above program when following input is provided to it. Attempt any

(i) 1984 (ii) 1700 (iii) 1600

                 Section IV

Q 34 Write output of any six of the following:

(i) 22%3 (ii) 22%3.0 (iii) 22//3 (iv) 22//3.0

(v) 22/3 (vi) 2**4/2 (vii) 2**3**2 (viii) 12%6/5

Q 35 Write a program to find absolute value of a number input by user.


Write a program to find the greatest of three numbers input by user.

Q.36 S=“This is a Python string literal”

Write the output of the following. Attempt any six

(i) S[ : : -5] (ii) S[ -15 : : -1] (iii) S[ 5 : 18 : 2]

(iv) S[ -1 : -17 : -3] (v) S[ : : -1] (vi) S[ : 3 ] + S[ 3 : ]

(vii) S[ 3 : : 4] (viii) S[ : : ]

Q.37 Write output of the following code:









                   Section V

Q 38 (i) Write a program to find whether a number input by user is prime or not. 3

(ii) Write a program to print the factorial of a number input by the user. 2

Q .39 (i) Write a program to get two strings from the user and check whether second string is a

substring of first string or not.


(ii) Write output of the following code:

s = “school12@com”

k = len(s)

m = “ ”

for i in range(0,k):

 if (s[i].isupper()):

 m = m + s[i].lower()

 elif s[i].isalpha():

 m = m + s[i].upper()


 m = m + “bb”


Q 40 Write the most appropriate list method to perform the following tasks for a list. Attempt any


(i) Delete a given element from list

(ii) Get the position of an item in list

(iii) Delete the third element from a list

(iv) Add single element at the end of list

(v) Add an element in the beginning or middle of a list

(vi) Add more than one elements at the end of a list

Computer science sample question paper 2020 Computer science sample question paper 2020 Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on December 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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