1. Name the software that converts a high level language code into to machine understandable form. (a) Operating system (b) Application software (c) Utility program 

(d) Language processor 1 

2. Which of the following statement is incorrect? (a) 1 byte = 7 bits (b) 1 KB = 1024 bytes (c) 1 MB = 1024 KB (d) 1 GB = 1024 MB 1 

3. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter? 1 

4. MS-DOS is the common example of______ OS: (a) Single user OS (b) Multi user OS (c) Multitasking OS (d) Real time OS 1

 5. The smallest individual unit in a program is called________ (a) Token (b) Source Code (c) Machine Code (d) None of these 1

 6. Is python an interpreted high-level language as well as Object Oriented 1 

 Language? 7. What is the difference between : (i) num=10 and (ii) num==10 1 

8. State true or false: (i) Keywords can be used as identifier names. (ii) Python variables support dynamic typing. 1 

9. If a=2**2**3 then what will be the output of statement: print(a) (a) 64 (b) 12 (c) 256 (d) None of these 1 10. Suppose tup=(21,22,23) ,which of the following is incorrect? (a) print(tup[3]) (b) tup[3]=45 (c) print(max[tup]) (d) print(len(tup)) 1 

11. What will be the value of x, if x=math.sqrt(25.0) 1 12. Which of the following is not a cyber crime? (a) Identity theft (b) Sending mail to Misspelled email ID (c) Cyber bullying (d) Cyber stalking 1 

13. ___________ refers to the sending of bulk mail from an unidentified source. 1 

14. A Software or hardware mechanism to filter the information coming through to an internet connection to a network or computer system is called: (a) Antivirus (b) Firewall (c) Cookies (d) Cyber safety 1 15. __________ is a program which copies itself across a network. 1

 16. ___________ is a type of Malware which carries out malicious operations without user’s consent. 1

 17. Python is a _______ sensitive Language. 1 

18. Which of the following are valid identifiers? (a) My name (b) _myname (c) myname (d) my-name 1

 19. Write equivalent character for given ASCII (Ordinal) values: 115 104 105 102 116 1 20. Which of the following is not a utility program software? 1 3 | P a g e (a) Device driver (b) Backup (c) Antivirus (d) Text editor 21. Write the statement of Inde mpotence Law? 1



22. Consider the following list A=[8,9,10] Do the following using list functions. (Attempt Any Four) (1x4=4)

 (a) Set the second entry (index 1) to 17 1

 (b) Add 4, 5 and 6 to the end of the list. 1

 (c) Remove the first entry from the list. 1 (d) Sort the list. 1 (e) Insert 25 at index 3 1 23. Consider the following dictionary stateCapital: stateCapital = {"Assam": "Guwahati", "Bihar": "Patna", "Maharashtra": "Mumbai", "Rajasthan": "Jaipur"} Find the output of the following statements (Attempt Any Four) (1x4=4) (a) print(stateCapital.get("Bihar")) 1 (b) print(stateCapital.keys()) 1 (c) print(stateCapital.values()) 1 (d) print(stateCapital.items()) 1 (e) print(len(stateCapital)) 1 PART-B SECTION-I 24. Distinguish Between volatile and non-volatile memory? 2 25. Verify the following Boolean Expression using truth table:- X’.Y+X.Y’+X’.Y’=(X’+Y’) 2 26. Convert the following: (a) (0.52)10 = (________)2 (b) (2BC2)16 = (________)10 (c) (101111100001)2=(____)16 (d) (3674)8 = (________)10 2 

27. Write a program to find the surface area of a sphere? Formula for Surface Area of a Sphere=4π r2. 2 28. Rewrite the following program using for loop: i,sum=1,0 while (i<=10): sum=sum+i i+=1 print(“Sum is:”,sum) 2 

29. Rewrite the following code in python after removing all the syntax errors. Underline each correction done in the code. 2 

a,b = 2 While a%b = 0 a+=10 b+=2 Else: print(‘End’) 30. What is data privacy? What type of information about you are collected by websites you visit? 2 31. Deepika has recently shifted to a new city and new school. She does not know many people in her new city and school. but all of a sudden, someone is posting negative, demeaning on her social networking profile, School site’s forum etc. She is also getting repeated mails from unknown people. Every time she goes online she finds someone chasing her online. (a) What is this happening to Deepika? (b) What action should she taken to stop them? 2 

32. What measures should you take to keep data secure? 2 

33. What are intellectual property rights? Why should intellectual property rights be protected? 2 



34. Write a Python program to calculate the compound interest where principal, rate of interest and time must be entered by the user. (Formula: Compound Interest = Principal (1 + Rate/100)Time ) 3 

35. Find the output of the following program: #Begin Str="AISSCE-xi@2020" New_str="" for i in range(len(Str)): if i%2==0: New_str=New_str+Str[i+1] elif(Str[i].isupper()): New_str=New_str+Str[i].lower() else: New_str=New_str+"2" print("The given string:",Str) print("The New string:",New_str) #Ends 3 36. Find the output of the following program: lis = [2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 3, 8] 3 5 | P a g e del lis[2 : 5] print ("\nList elements after deleting are : ") for i in range(0, len(lis)): print(lis[i],end=" ") lis[i]=lis[i]+2 lis.pop(2) lis.insert(1,11) lis.insert(6,12) print ("\nList elements after manipulation are : ") for i in range(0, len(lis)): print(lis[i],end=" ") 37. Explain the following with help of suitable example. (i) Flow Chart (ii) Algorithm (iii) Pseudo-code 3 OR Explain the following with help of suitable example. (i) Phishing (ii) Plagiarism (iii) Hacking 



38. Consider the following string mySubject: mySubject = "Computer Science" What will be the output of the following string operations : (Any Five) A. print(mySubject[0:len(mySubject)]) B. print(mySubject[-7:-1]) C. print(mySubject[::2]) D. print(mySubject[len(mySubject)-1]) E. print(2*mySubject) F. print(mySubject[::-2]) 1x5=5 

39. (a) Create a dictionary whose keys are month names and whose values are the number of days in the corresponding months. (b) Ask the user to enter a month name and use the dictionary to tell how many days are in the month. (c) Print out all of the keys in alphabetical order. (d) Print out all of the months. (e) Print out the (key-value) pairs sorted by the number of days in each month. 1x5=5 

40. Write a program to create an empty list and do the following. 2+2+1 =5 (a) The program should ask for Number of elements (N) to be appended in


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