A spring compressed by 0.1 metre develops restoring force 10 Newton number body of mass 4 Kg is placed on it deduces

Q. A spring compressed by 0.1 metre develops restoring force 10 Newton number body of mass 4 Kg is placed on it deduces

 I. the force constant of the spring

II. The depression of the string under the weight of the body. 
III. the period of oscillation, the body is distributed and
IV. frequency of oscillation

Answer. Here F=10N, ∆l=0.1m
I) Because the force acting on the string is F=kx
II) weight=ky
 =4*10/100  because k=100

III) T=2π/√l/g
   Because F=kx or F=kl
And F=mg
 It imples that

IV) frequency=1/Time period

Q. a tuning fork vibrating with frequency of 512 list kept close to open end of a tube filled with water the water level in the tube is gradually the word when the water level is 17 cm below the end, maximum intesity of sound is heard. If the room temperature is 20°C

Then calculate
I) speed of sound in air at room temperature
II) speed of sound in air at 0°C
III) if the water in the tube


A spring compressed by 0.1 metre develops restoring force 10 Newton number body of mass 4 Kg is placed on it deduces A spring compressed by 0.1 metre develops restoring force 10 Newton number body of mass 4 Kg is placed on it deduces Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on March 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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