Error Finding and gap filling exercise

Q. Error Finding Exercise

Correct sentences 

1. I have had very bad headache yesterday.

2. I am preparing for the exam since 2020.

3. We didn't read Hamlet till we were in class XI.

4. Why are you liking this place?

5. I am going to school on foot every day. 

6. I am having a blue pen

Error               Correct

1.had              a

2.since          for

3.till              until

4.on             by having  have

Q,Gap-filling Exercise

Fill in the blanks

1.Doubts was emotion. 

2.It was ....oldest enemy. 

3.Yet I had not expected it to come this way. I had become accustomed to....presence in...being. 

4.There are .... broken chairs in....corner of

5.There is ..... egg on this plate.




4.many, some, the

Q,Fill the missing words

Some insects pretend they non living    

Things escape danger . The stick 

Insect become a twig that

Grown from a branch.  Its body

Hangs like a twig that growing towards 

The ground. Frogs and birds easily fooled.

Some insects color and

Sound discuise themselves


before                 word                   after

a.insects             have                  pretend

b.Things             are                   danger

c.  Insects             has                   become

d.Its                    a                        body

e.that                are                    growing

f.birds             are                  easily

g.insect           have             color

Q.Edit that above passage

The peafowls did not fly but taken to

Their legs. Magog chased them and enters a

Hundred yards into the jungle. Suddenly I hearing 

The cry of a peafowl following immediately 

By a frighten Yelp from Magog. 

The peafowl had lead Magog  to a 

Sleepy tiger,

And the birds was expressing their surprise 

And fear as they start screaming together.

Q,Format of Placing an order 

Placing order

 Address given 


The manager

 Name of the company 

Address of the company

 Dear sir Subject Ref. To quotations dated Body of the letter List of requirements to be ordered Date on which delivery is required Mode of payment 

Yours faithfully 

Name Designation 

Q.Format Of Enquiry Letter

Letter of enquiry 

Address given 


The Principal Name of institute Address Dear sir Subject-inquiry regarding Body of letter

 Para 1 After reading your advertisement regarding..I wish to make certain enquiries

 Para 2 Duration of course Fee structure No. Of students per batch Transport facilities 

Para 3 I will be grateful if you could send me the latest brochure along with the form enabling me to register in the course at the earliest.

 Yours faithfully


Formate of Letter to the Editor

Letter to editor 

Sender address 


The editor

 Name of the newspaper 



Dear sir Subject Body of the letter 3 paragraphs Leave one line between paragraph Start afresh paragraph from the margin

 Yours faithfully


Error Finding and gap filling exercise Error Finding and gap filling exercise Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on March 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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