carbon and its compound | Carbon atom is very small due to which it's outeroutermost electrons all have by the nucleus.


# In this chapter we will learn about carbon and it's properties like it versatile in nature and single, double and triple bond. Chemical reaction of carbon, Functional group, homologus series, Isomers of carbon compound, Soap and detergent and their difference. 

Carbon is an element symbol is C it is non - metal it's atomic no. Is 6 and it is found 0.02% in earth crust it's electronic configuration is 2,4.
Our food material like grain, pulse, sugar, tea, fruits, vegetables material like cotton, wood, nylon, polystee, plastic, drugs, petrol, LPG, paper, rubber, coal, wood lather and dyes are made up of carbon compounds. 

Bonding in Carbon

Carbon atom is very small due to which it's outeroutermost electrons all have by the nucleus. It is not possible to remove outeroutermost 4 electrons from the carbon atom it is also not possible to add electrons due to energy concentration. 
Carbon atom can achieve inert gas configuration only by sharing of electrons form covalent bond 

--Covalent bond give rise to low melting point and low boiling point of its compound. Generally they are poor conductor of electricity. 

v     Versatile Nature of carbon

1) Carbon is tetravalent. A carbon atom atom 4 electrons in its outermost she'll so its valency is four this is called tetravent. 
2) Self Combination (Catenation) -The most of outstanding property of carbon is it's ability to combine with itself, carbon atom to carbon atom gives rise to form long chain. Eg. Octane(Petrol (C8H18). 
Octane has chain of 8 carbon atoms this property of self combination is called catenation. 

o  Allotropes of Carbon

Are diamonds, graphite, and buck minister fullurene(C16). 

Q. Why carbon compounds are found in large number? 
Ans.Due to characteristic of carbon atom that is Tetra valency and catenation. Put together gives rise to a large no. Of carbon compound around us. Another third 
reason is tendency to form multiple bond. This carbon due to small size carbon can easily form double and triple bond

Hydro carbon- A compound made up of hydrogem and carbon is called  hydrocarbons. 
Types of Hydrocarbons
1) Saturated hydrocarbons-Alkanes
2) Unsaturated hydrocarbons-Alkenes and Alkynes

Ø Saturated hydrocarbons-

A hydrocarbons in which the carbon atoms are connected by single bond is called saturated hydrocarbons. (alkanes). 
Eg. Ethane, methane, propane, etc. 

The name of saturated hydrocarbons ends with -'ane'. General formula of saturated hydrocarbons is Cn H2n+2

If n=3 , then it is C3H8 (propane) 

1 C=meth
2 C- eth

3 C-prop
4 C- But
eg. Methane CH4, ethane C2H6
, etc

Ø UnSaturated hydrocarbons-

An unsaturated hydrocarbons in which two carbon atoms are connected by a double bond is called Alkenes. 
General formula is CnH2n. 
1) ethene CH2=CH2
2) propane CH3-CH=CH2

Alkynes- Unsaturated hydrocarbons in which two carbon atoms are connected by an triple bond is called Alkynes. 

General formula is CnH2n-2. 
eg. ethyne

Alkyl Group- The Group formed by the removal of one hydrogen atom from an alkyme molecule is called an Alkyl group. 
For eg. CH3 
ethyl group C2H5. 
General formula CnH2n+1

Cylclic Hydrocarbons
An addition to the straight chain and branch chain in and there are some other hydrocarbons arranged in the form of ring is called cycling hydrocarbons. These may be saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. 

1) Saturated cyclic hydrocarbons-
A saturated cyclic hydrocarbons are called cyclic alkanes. General formula is CnH2n which is same as alkenes. 
Cyclic alkanes having three carbon atoms in the ring is called cyclic propane. 

---With four carbons atom in the ring is called cyclic butane. 

----With five carbon atoms in the ring is called cyclic pendant. 

----Similarly with 6 carbon atoms in the ring is called cyclic hexane. 

2) Unsaturated cyclic hydrt(Aeromatic compounds) - 

eg -benzene C6H6

Benzene molecule has three carbon - carbon double bond and three carbon -carbon single bond and it has also 6carbon and 6 hydrogen. Single bonded. 

1) Straight chain compound-Those compound which contains straight carbon chain are called straight chain compound. 


2) Branch chain compt- Those compound which are branch are called branch chain compounds. eg-2 Methyl Propane

ü    Functional group are Halo group 

A saturated hydrocarbons is unreactive but if we introduce some other atom are group of atom into it, the resulting compounds becomes  very reactive the other atom are group of atom present in the organic compounds is known as functional group, which decides it's properties or function are called functional group. 

Functional group are Halo group 

Alchol group  single bond -OH
, aldehyde group -CHO, ketone group -CO, Carboxylic acid group -COOH, alkene group or alkyne group. 

1) Halo Groups(-X) - Halo groups means hallogen group that is chlorine, bromine, etc. 
It can be written as R-X
R is alkyl group and X is halo group

Note:While writing the name of compounds Halo comes first. 
Example:CH3Cl (Chloro methane). 

2) Alchol group-Single bond -OH group it can be written as R-OH, where R is alkyl group (CH3 C2H5) and OH is lchohol group. 

3)Aldehyde-General formula is R-CHO suffix is al is used as a suffix.

Carbon atom of aldehyde group is attacked only one alkyl hydrogen atom as in the case of methanal


Homologus series is a group of organic compounds having similar structure and similar chemical property in which successive compounds differs by CH2 group. 
eg. CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10. 
All this different by CH2. 
General formula for homologus series of alkanes is CnH2n, for alkynes series is CnH2n. 

Characteristics for Homologus Series

I) Any 2 adjacent homologus differ by 1 carbon atom and 2 hydrogen atoms in their molecular formula CH2 
II) The difference in the molecular masses of any 2 adjacent homolotis 14u, CH2. 
Eg. CH4
C2H6 (30u) 

III) All the compounds of the homologus series show similar chemical property. 
IV) Member of the homologus series is show a gradual changes in their physical properry. 

Chemical Property of  carbon Compounds

1) Combustion Reaction-The process of burning and it's compound in air to give CO2, H2O, light is called combustion Reaction. 

Saturated hydrocarbons will generally give a clear  yellow flame with lots of black smoke. This results in a soity deposit on metal plate, however, limiting the supply of air result in incomplete combustion of even saturated hydrocarbons. 

Incomplete combustion of fuel-leads to the formation of poisnous gas like carbon monoxide and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen which are major pollutants of environment. 

2) Oxidation-

Carbon  compound can be easily oxidised on combustion. There is a reaction of alchol which gets converted into carboxylic acid. 
CH3 CH2OH---------------------->CH3COOH

3) Addition Reaction-

Unsaturated hydrocarbons add hydrogen in the presence of catalyst. 

CH2=CH2 (ethene) +H2----------->CH3CH3 (ethane)

Catalyst -The substances that causes a reaction to occur without taking part in reaction. 
Addition reaction is commonly used in hydration generation of vegetable oil using Nickel as a catalyst. 

Vegetable oil are generally unsaturated fat having double bond between carbon atom when it heated in the presence of Nickel (Catalyst) then a saturated fat is formed. 


Vegetable oil containing unsaturated fatty acids are good for our health. But vegetable ghee not good for heat because it is containing saturated fat.Like butter and desi ghee and paneer which is not good for our health .

4)Hydrogenation-Addition of hydrogen to an unsaturated hydrocarbons to obtain a saturated hydrocarbon is called hydrogenation.

5)Substituition Reaction- Saturated hydrocarbon undergoes substitution reaction in the presence of sunlight ,when chlorine added to hydrogen that repalces one of hydrogen atom.The reaction in which H atom of hydrocarbon are replaced by some other atoms like Cl is  called substitution reaction.


Ethanol(thyl  alchol) CH3CH2-CH3

Ethanol is known ethyl alchohol it is  a colourless liquid having pleasant small and a burning test it is widely used as alchohol .It is lighter than water the solubility of ethanol is due to presence of hydroxile group.

i)ethanol contain 5%  of water is called rectified spirit.
ii)100% pure ethanol is called Absolute alchohol .
iii)ethanol does not contain any H+ ions so it neutral compound.
iv)ethanol is used in making medicine such as tincher,cup syrup,and many tonikes.

Reaction of ethanol

1)Combustion -Ethanol is highly inflamable .It catches fire easily and start burning.Ethanol burns in air to form CO2 and water vapour and releases a lot of heat and light .

C2H5OH+O2------->CO2+H2O+Heat +light

ethanol used as fuel in brazil.ethanol is used as a addition in petrol it does not produce CO only Produce CO2.

Oxidation means controlled combustion when ethanol is heated with alkanes per magnet solution or acidified Potassium di chromate (K2  Cr2 O7)
It gives ethanoic acid .


3)Reaction  with sodium metal-Ethanol reacts with sodium to form sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas is evolve.


this reaction is used as a test for ethanol.

4)Dehydration-Dehydration of alchol means removal of water molecule from it .When ethanoic acid heated with excess of concerntrated Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) at temperature 170 degree celcius  gets dehydrated to form ethene.
                      H2SO4 conc.

Reaction with ethanoic acid -(formation of ester)

·       Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid on warming in the presence of 2 drops of concerntrated  H2SO4 to form a sweet smelling ester(ethyl ethanoate ) ethyl acetate.



                                                                     Ethyl ethanoate

·       This reaction in which carboxylic acid combines with alchohol forms an ester is called esterification.



ü Properties of Ethanoic acid

·        CH3COOH ethanoic acid is the second member of homologus series of carboxylic acid .Formula of ethanoic acid is CH3COOH.

·       Common name is Acetic acid

·       5% to 8% of dilute solution acetic acid in water is called vinegar and widely It is used as preservative ,often it frezzer in water time in cold country which gives to rise glacier acetic acid.

Chemical Properties


·       Action on litmus-Dilute ethanoic acid turns to red litmus showing caidic  nature.

·       Dilute ethanoic acid turns universal indicator paper to orange showing its pH value gives 4 whereas dilute HCl turns universal indicator to red showing pH 1.

·       Reaction with carbonate and hydrogen Carabonate -Ethanoic acid react with carbonate and hydrogen carbonate to evolve CO2.

Reaction with Sodium Carbonate -CH3COOH + Na2CO3→CH3COONa + NaHCO3 







Note:This reaction is used as a test of ethanoic acid .This CO2 gas turns

limestone milky.


·       Reaction with Base -CH3COOH +NaOH--------------àCH3COONa+H2O

·       Reaction with alchohol-

CH3COOH +C2H5OH-----------àCH3COOC2H5+H2O


When acetic acid reacts with ethanol in the presence of H2SO4 sulphuric acid it form sweet smelling ester.


Ester are generally used in making perfume ,ice-cream,cold drink,in flavouring agent.



In the process in which ester reacts with odium hydroxide to form Na salt of carvoxylic acid and ethanol/glycerol this reaction is known as sulphonic reaction because it is used in preparation of soap

This reaction hydrolysis of ester

·       Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid on warming in the presence of 2 drops of concerntrated  H2SO4 to form a sweet smelling ester(ethyl ethanoate ) ethyl acetate.



                                                                     Ethyl ethanoate

·       This reaction in which carboxylic acid combines with alchohol forms an ester is called esterification.




Soap is a salt of long chain of carboxylic acid(fatty acid ) which has cleaning property in water .sodium steriorate

(C17 H35 COONa)


#where C17 H35 is alkyl group and COONa is ionic group.

·      Soap has long alkyl group C17H35 and ionic carboxylate group .Soap has a salt of strong base  and weak acid.

·      Soap soluiton of salt in water is basics therefore soap solution turns red to blue.

·      Soap is main by heating animal pet or vegetable with caustic soda NaOH (caustic soda)

·      Fat or oil +NaOH------àsoap Na salt of fatty acid +glycerol

·      This process of making fatty hydrolysis of fat alkaline is called saphonification.

Q.Common salt is added solute making soap to solidify

So that it can be taken in the form of cake.



ü Molecule is made of two parts along hydro carbon part and short ionic(COO- Na)

ü Long hydro carbon chain is hydrophobic (water repelling)

Hydrocarbon part is insoluble in water but soluble in an oil or Greece.

The ionic part of soap molecule is hydrophilic(Water attracting )due to pollar nature of water molecule .Ionic part is soluble in water but insoluble  in oil and Greece.



Micelle-A spherical aggreget of soap molecule in the soap solution in water called Micelle.

Hydrophobic (hydrocarbon) tail are in the inter cluster and ionic end (Hydrophulic)  are ion the surface of cluster.This formation is called Miceelle,\


Cleaning Action of Soap-

Soap in theform of micelle is able to clean since oil and dust will be collected in the centre and get disperse in water due to which soap water become dirty but cotton get clean.The clothes is clean thoroughly by rinsing in clean water number of times.


NOTE:Soap micelle are large enough to scatter light and salt solution appear cloudly.

Hard  water contains chlorides ,sulphates and hydrocarbonates of calcium or magnesium.



Hardwater contain calcium and magnesium salt,soap is not suitable for washing clothes with hard water.Soap reacts  with calcium and magnesium and form insoluble substances rthat is called Scum.

Due to formation of scum ,soap is stick to the cloth and will not allow formation of foam which is necessary for removing dirt and oil to overcome this problem another cloth is usecd called detergent .


Detergent is the sodium salt  of long chain of  benzene sulphonic acid  which has cleaning porprerty in water  . 

a dteregent has a large non ionic hydrogen carbon group  like sulphonic group and ionic group like sulphonic group ,SO-2 Na+ or sulphate group .

It is clear form above that structure of detergent i ssimilar to the structure of soap.A Detergent molecule is also consist of two part a long hydro carbons chain and short ionic part (hydrophobic) and (is hydrohilic) .detergent can be latheer will even is hard water because they dont form insoluble calcium or magnesium salr react with calcium and magnesium which is present in hard water cleaning action similar to soap.

Advantage of detergent over soap

1)Detergent  well work in hard water bur soap does nor .
2) Detregent are more soluble in water than the soap.
3)Detergent used in saline water or acidic .
4)Detergent can be soap used for washing woolen.

Disadvantage  of Detergent over soap

1)Synthesis detergent having branched hydrocarbon chain are of fully biodegradable.

2)they are more expensive than soap.

Advantage of Soap

1)Soap is cheaper and readily available.
2)It works well for claening cloth with soap water.
3)Soap are 100% biodegradable 

Disadvantage of Soap
1)It does not well work with hard water.
2)It contain calcium and magnesium ions.
3)Soap raects with calcium ion and magnesium ions to form white precipetate which is called scum.

Important Question s

Q1).Write the name and structural formula of second member of carbon compound ?Having functional OH?

Q,2)Write the molecular formula of benzene and draw the structure .State double bond and sinngle bond in the structure?
Q.3)State two charcteristic feature of carbon when put together give rise to a large no. of carbon compound?

Q,4)draw the structure for methanal and Butanone?



carbon and its compound | Carbon atom is very small due to which it's outeroutermost electrons all have by the nucleus.  carbon and its compound | Carbon atom is very small due to which it's outeroutermost electrons all have by the nucleus. Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on March 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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