Poverty in india as a challenge


Poverty In India

So let us understand what is poverty

poverty means poorness ,the people who has nothing to eat even nothing to live the room.this called poverty.

In india poverty is decreasing day by day it is good for us .But before 5 years ago in our country percentage poverty was equal to rich people percentage.

·      Poverty means hunger and lack of shelter.

·      It is also a situation in which parents are not able to send their children to school. Abone all it mean lining with a sense of helplessness.

·      A common methy used to measure poverty is based on the income or consumption levels.

·      Poverty line may vary whit time and place.

·      These surweys are carried out by the ( NSSO).

·      One historical reason is the low level of colonial administration.

·      The failure at  both the fronts :- promotion of economic growth and population control perpetuated the cycle of poverty.





These are the scheme or  we can say programmes that is launched by our government in order to help the poor and get employeed  so that poor people or uneducated people can earn money.

Q.  What is the  poverty trends in India some 1973?

As per the date, there is a substantial decline in poverty ratio in India 55% in 1973 to 36% in 1993. There was further decline from 36% in 1993 to 26% in 2000. Although the no. Of poor people remained stable in the earlier two decades (1973 to 1993) , there poor to about 260 million 2000.

 The poverty is now decreasing we can say in all respects.The employement is increasing and unemployeed are very less in our country.

These schemes are very much helpful for many uneducated people.

Q.  What are  the major reason for poverty  in India?

Colonial rule - India went through a long phase of low economic development undere the British colonial administration.

High growth in population. The rapid growth of population particularly among the poer, is consider one of the major causes belivd Indian poverty.

Uwqual distribution autvevgh income of India has been increasing since 1951, it was not properly distribution among different sections  of the society.

Social  factors various social factors, caste system, joint family system.

The major reason for poverty i.e literacy rate ,many villlage people they don't want to study ,they just want to earn money .Due to this uneducated people are many more than the educated people.

The village people just want to get job even they have not studied above 8 class.

The parents of the villgaers also demand to their sons for money .

Q. Identify the social & economic groups which are most vulnerable to poverty in India?

SC households.

ST households


Economic Group vulnerable to poverty


Rural agricultural labour households

Urban causal labour households.

Q. What are the  current government strategey of poverty alleviation


 Removal of poverty had one of the major objectives of Indian development strategy.

1) Promotion of economic growth

2) Targeted anti poverty programmes.



Some of the anti poverty programmes undertaken by government at present are disscuased below:


PMGY-This scheme was Launced in 2000 i.e Pradhan Mantri Gramoday Yojna

NFWP- National Food for Work Programmein Launched in2004 in 150 most backward districts of the country.

NREGA-National rural employment guarrantee act-2005



Q.What do you understand by human poverty?

Human poverty is a concept that goes beyond the limited view of poverty as lack of income. It refers to the denial of political, social and economic opportunity to an individual to maintain a reasonable standard of living.


Q. Who are poorest of the poor?

Ans. Women, children and elder people in a poor family are regarded as the poorest of the poor because they are systematically denied equal acess to resources available to the family.


Q.What are the main features of the National rural employment guarantee act 2005?.

The act assures 100 days employment every year household.

Initially covering 200 district, the act would be extended later on to cover 600 districts.

1/3 of the jobs are reserved for women.

Poverty in india as a challenge Poverty in india as a challenge Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on May 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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