Religious people believe in God why?
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Religious people believing in god we are all aware of the influence of prayer in our individual lives with his true or our temples Gurudwara churches and mosques to be read with the prayers of the devote On special occasions and even in the course of daily life when individuals space that situation of and they are lead-in to prepare their faith the open source of comfort and encouragement in their hour of need.
But how does this Nation as the collective identity exercise its weight in fair it may be recalled that the freedom struggle and subsequently of independence the father of nation used to lead the people enquiry on matters affecting its Den destiny the man of different speeds used to take part in such meetings which give them a sense of purpose and also absence of solid as a people sharing one destiny no one came forward to provide leadership to and at the national level.
No doubt people of all faiths had organised to prayers at their places of worship in the aftermath of national take this like the Gujarat earthquake or the Orissa cyclone the hijacking of an Indian plane with its pessenger to khandhar in the recent past add more this Nation to pray the whole Nation again had taken to prayer in my city on to other earlier locations when Amitabh Bacchan well seriously ill and also when Mother Teresa was on bed.
Mens need for prayer is as great as his need for breed as food is necessary for the body prayer is necessary for the Soul I have not a side of doubt that the strip and variance with which our atmosphere is hopeful today are due to the absence of the spirit of to create repair Never Goes On Aansu Rote Gandhiji according to Vasudevan Secretary of the Raj Ghat Samadhi Samiti all religion prayer meetings are held every Friday 8 Radhika to from 4 p.m. to 5 :15 p.m.
It is said that the act of prayer changes people and situations there is General impression that there is an act of seeking favours from good for selfie sends it is as if all train people are only interested in taking their shopping list to their mayka far from it the very act of Prem teaches 12 exercise with those who suffer it prudence once vision and Outlook it builds up one's character by imparting a sense of responsibility towards other people situation.
The latest example of praying Nation comes from the United States which is often labelled to material stick in speaking at the national prayer breakfast at Washington in the second week of February President George Bush straight Americans of wallpaper for turning to pair in the week of September 11 attacks. He said he had spent much time on bended knce since terrorist attacked the world Trade center and the Pentagon, killing more than 3000 people.
Regardless of the religious affiliation people in the affected areas showed an exemplary sense of together in the hour of tragedy. All differences of religion, enthnicity, race and language were forgotten as volunteers got busy assuaging pain and sorrow felt by the victit. The American example has several lessons for india which is also a pluralistic society. It has demonstrated that differences of religion and ethnicity need not stand in the way of the nation unitedly facing all it's challenges. If it is true that all religious gaiths teach tolerance, humility and the value of helping neighbours, then the religious leaders of this nation could also engender unity and oneness of purpose by coming together periodically to pray for the nation.
And when they focus on the fact that all people, regardless of their differences, share one common destiny, there could be greater communal harmony. Such a consciousness ought to pave the way for peace in society.

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