Database System architecture

                                             Database System architecture

1. Data - Fact that can be recorded

or stored

e.g. Person Name, Age, Gender

and Weight etc.

2. Information

When data is processed,

organized, structured or

presented in a given context so

as to make it useful, it is called


3. knowledge

It is the appropriate collection of


What is DBMS?

of DBMS  DBMS (Database Management System= Database + Set of programs

• Database:-A Collection of logically related data.

– e.g. Books Database in Library, Student Database in University etc.

• Management - Manipulation, Searching and Security of data

– e.g. Viewing result in GTU website, Searching exam papers in GTU website


• System - Programs or tools used to manage database

– e.g. SQL Server Studio Express, Oracle etc.

• DBMS - Database Management System (DBMS) is a software designed to

define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database.

– e.g. MS SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL, SQLite, MongoDB etc.

Examples of DBMS

• Online Telephone Directory

• Electricity Service provider

• Facebook

• Whatsapp

• etc

Database System Applications

• DBMS is a computerized record-keeping system.

• DBMS is required where ever data need to be stored.

– E-Commerce (Flikart, Amazon, Shopclues, eBay etc...)

– Online Television Streaming (Hotstar, Amazon Prime etc...)

– Social Media (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc...)

– Banking & Insurance

– Airline & Railway

– Universities and Colleges/Schools

– Library Management System

– Human Resource Department

– Hospitals and Medical Stores

– Government Organizations

File Processing System (FPS) or File System

• In Computer Science, File Processing System (FPS) is a way of storing,

retrieving and manipulating data which is present in various files.

Advantages of File Processing System

• Cost friendly –

There is a very minimal to no set up and usage fee for File Processing

System. (In most cases, free tools are inbuilt in computers.)

• Easy to use –

File systems require very basic learning and understanding, hence, can be

easily used.

• High scalability –

One can very easily switch from smaller to larger files as per his needs.

Disadvantages of File Processing System

• Data redundancy and inconsistency

– Multiple file formats, duplication of information in different files

• Difficulty in accessing data

– Need to write a new program to carry out each new task

• Data isolation- data are scattered in various files, and files may be in

different formats, writing new application programs to retrieve the

appropriate data is difficult.

• Integrity problems- when new constraints are added, it is difficult to change

the programs to enforce them

Disadvantages of File Processing System

• Atomicity problems

– Failures may leave database in an inconsistent state with partial updates

carried out

– Example: Transfer of funds from one account to another should either

complete or not happen at all

• Concurrent-access by multiple users

– Example: Two people reading a balance (say 100) and updating it by

withdrawing money (say 50 each) at the same time

• Security problems

• Poor data control

• Limited data sharing

• Excessive programming effort

Application of DBMS

• Providing Application Flexibility with Relational Databases.

• Object oriented Applications and the need for more complex Databases.

• Early DB Applications

• Extending DB capabilities for new applications

Database System architecture Database System architecture Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on June 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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