Cyber bulling case study

 Case study of cyber bulling


A case study of cyberbullying involves an in-depth examination of a specific instance or series of incidents where individuals or groups use digital communication tools to harass, intimidate, or harm others. Here's a hypothetical example:

Case Study: Cyberbullying in a High School


Sarah, a 15-year-old high school student, recently joined a new school.

She is active on social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.


Sarah posts a selfie on Instagram, and a group of students from her school start leaving negative comments about her appearance.

The comments escalate from subtle jabs to outright insults and threats.

Sarah tries to ignore the comments but feels increasingly isolated and anxious.


Sarah's self-esteem takes a hit, and she starts avoiding school and social gatherings.

She experiences symptoms of anxiety and depression, affecting her academic performance and overall well-being.

Despite blocking the bullies, they create fake accounts to continue harassing her.


Sarah confides in a trusted teacher about the cyberbullying.

The school launches an investigation and identifies the perpetrators.

The school counselor provides Sarah with emotional support and coping strategies.

The bullies receive disciplinary action, including suspension and mandatory counseling sessions.

The school implements cyberbullying prevention programs and educates students on responsible online behavior.


Sarah gradually regains her confidence with the support of her peers and school staff.

The incidence of cyberbullying decreases as students become more aware of its consequences.

Sarah becomes an advocate for cyberbullying awareness, sharing her story to help others facing similar challenges.

This case study highlights the devastating impact of cyberbullying on victims and the importance of proactive measures to address and prevent such behavior in schools and online communities.

Cyber bulling case study Cyber bulling case study Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on March 20, 2024 Rating: 5

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