class 11 sample paper of english





Part A- Objective (40 Marks)

Part B-Subjective (40 Marks)

1. Read the questions carefully and write the answers in the answer sheets with proper numbering.

2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


Reading Section (18 marks)

Q1.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (ANY TEN OUT OF THE GIVEN ELEVEN) by choosing the most appropriate option:        (10 MARKS)


Early in 2003 Tim ‘Woody’ Witezak got some good news: a new job as Vice President of sales with a start up energy-efficient lightning company in Heart Land U.S. City Minneapolis, in Minnesota. But with the position came stress and difficulty in sleeping. Jane Woody, 37 was seen by his family doctor, a general practitioner who gave him samples of Zoloft an anti-depressant that also treated anxiety [The drug’s generic name is Sertra Line HCL, and is sold in India under other brand name like Serta and Sedep]. ‘‘This was the first time he’d ever been to a doctor about an issue like this,’’ says his wife Kim. He was a happy person and had no history of mental illness or depression.

Within a few days, though, Woody experienced several side effects of the drug such as night sweats, diarrhoea, weight loss and trembling hands. His anxiety worsened, he became uncharacteristically irritable and restless. One evening he came home crying after driving around all day when the samples ran out after three weeks, Woody’s doctor doubled his dose to 50 mg and urged him to give the drug time. The instructions from Pfizer Inc., the U.S. Manufacturer of Zoloft, said it could take four to six weeks to be effective. But two weeks later, Kim recalls Woody walked in the back door in his blue business shirt drenched in sweat. He curled into a foetal position on the kitchen floor, his hands pressing around his head like a vice, and begged, ‘‘Help me. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I think I am losing my mind. I feel my head is outside my body looking in.’’

Less than a week later Woody seemed to be springing back. He ran almost 5 kms, bought flight tickets for a bachelor party in Las Vegas and when he spoke on phone one morning to Kim, how can Kim be wife and account executive, he suggested, they should celebrate their tenth Wedding Anniversary in Thailand. That evening, though, things had changed, ‘‘His voice sounded hollow.’’ She remembers I just assumed he was busy and distracted. The last thing he said was, ‘‘I love you Kim.’’ Woody was dead. He had hung himself from the rafters. By cruel coincidence the Minneapolis star Tribuneran had a front page story that day: ‘‘UK Finds Link Between Anti-depressant And Suicide.’’

Q. Answer ANY TEN OUT OF THE GIVEN ELEVEN questions by choosing the right option:                        (10X1=10marks)

  1. Which one of the following words doesn’t relate to Woody Witezak?

    1. Minneapolis

    2. Bronchitis

    3. Depression

    4. Zoloft


  1. Tim Woody’s cause of stress was his

    1. anxiety as the Vice President of sales

    2. He had lost his job in the company

    3. Samples of Zoloft an antidepressant

    4. His history of mental illness


  1. The Generic name of the medicine prescribed to ‘‘Woody’’ was

    1. Sartreline

    2. Sirtraline

    3. Sertraline

    4. Sretreline


  1. Woody wanted to celebrate his tenth Wedding anniversary in

    1. Singapore

    2. China

    3. Thailand

    4. U.S.A.


  1. Which of the following things Woody didn’t do, after his dose was doubled up?

    1. He curled in foetal position.

    2. He walked in the backyard in his yellow business shirt.

    3. He felt that his head was out of his body looking in.

    4. He presses his hand around his head.


  1. Woody Witezak was a patient of _____________.

    1. energy deficiency

    2. anxiety and depression

    3. anxiety

    4. mental illness


  1. which of the following side effects did Woody  not experience of the antidepressant taken by him

    1. trembling hands

    2. weight loss

    3. fever

    4. sweats


  1. The passage mainly talks about 

    1. The effectivity and benefits of antidepressants

    2. The cordial and happy environment of the private companies

    3. The human courage and endurance

    4. The pressure of working in private companies and adverse effects of antidepressants


  1. A word that means the same as ‘drenched’ is

    1. Soaked

    2. Dry

    3. free from moisture

    4. None of these


  1. Which of the following words from the first paragraph means the same as ‘a permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in mental disorders’

    1. Issue

    2. Stress

    3. Anxiety

    4. Antidepressant


  1. Which of the following is a word from the last paragraph which is an antonym of ‘solid/substantial’

    1. Empty

    2. Hollow

    3. Coincidence

    4. Rafters



Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (ANY EIGHT OUT OF THE GIVEN NINE) by choosing the most appropriate option:     


2    Read the passage given below carefully and answer any ten the questions that follow:

Fifty-three percent of Indians are connected to the internet every waking hour which is higher than the global average of 51 percent, a new international study has found. The continuous online connectivity is becoming a phenomenon in India with 53 percent respondents in the country saying they are connected to the internet "every waking hour," said the study conducted by a leading global management consulting firm, the London-based AT Kearney Global Research.

Screenshot (5)

"That is higher than 51 per cent global average, 36 per cent in China and 39 per cent in Japan," said the study titled 'Connected Consumers Are Not Created Equal: A Global Perspective.' The study covered 10 countries involving 10,000 respondents in July this year. 

The results of the study found that continuous connectivity is having a big impact on online retail in the country with social networks becoming a major influencing factor. 

"97 per cent of the respondents from India said they have a Facebook account with 77 per cent saying they logged in to the social network daily," said the study.Screenshot (7)

According to the study, there are three key motivations for Indian people to be continuously connected to internet. First is interpersonal connection in which 94 per cent of respondents said that connecting with other people is a key motivation for going online. This factor is the highest among Indian respondents. The second factor, according to the study, is self-expression, which is sharing opinions with others through the internet. The study says this factor is particularly strong in emerging markets and places where offline self-expression is limited. 

In India, 88 per cent of respondents cited this as a factor for staying connected to the internet. It is a big motivator in China as well where 89 per cent cited it as a reason to be connected to the internet compared to the global average of 62 per cent. The third motivation is access to services or products and making purchases online. On this front, 92 per cent of the Indian respondents said they go online to access services or for shopping, the study said.


1. In which consecutive years internet penetration growth rates is the highest?

  1. 2017-18

  2. 2018-19

  3. 2019-20

  4. 2020-21

2. The ratio of increase of internet penetration from 2016-17 to 2018-19 is

  1. 40:77

  2. 7:12

  3. 7:11

  4. 12:7

3. What are the motivating factors for the increased use of internet in India?

i. Sharing opinions with others.

ii. Limitations in other modes of communication.

iii. Interpersonal connection.

iv. Access to services or products.

  1. i, ii, iii are true but iv is false.

  2. ii, iii, iv are true but i is false.

  3. iii, iv, i are true but ii is false.

  4. All are true.

4. Women outdo men in terms of calls and messaging and use of online apps. The reasons could be

i. Online shopping saves time and goods and services can be had from the safety of their homes.

ii. As non-working women they have time for such messages and calls.

iii. Calls and messages are better than writing letters.

iv. Their movements are restricted when it comes to going out for shopping and services.

  1. Only i and ii are correct.

  2. Only ii and iii are correct.

  3. Only i and iv are correct.

  4. Only ii and iv are correct.

5. “Interpersonal connection and relations have widened and becomes stronger with the

advent of internet and mobile users in India.” Do you agree?

i. Yes, we can stay connected with our near and dear ones at the press of a button.

ii. No, internet has reduced in-person interaction. It has increased communication but

not connection.

  1. i is true but ii is false.

  2. ii is true but i is false.

  3. Both i and ii are true.

  4. Both i and ii are false.

6. Find a word from the passage which means “SOCIAL”

  1. Interpersonal

  2. Respondent

  3. Self-Expression

  4. Motivation

7. Who are the people who spend maximum time on smartphones?

  1. Women

  2. Men

  3. Children

  1. Both II AND III

  2. Only II

  3. Only I

  4. All are equally using

8. Find word from the passage which is Antonym of  ‘USUALNESS’

  1. Reality

  2. Motivation

  3. Phenomenan

  4. Global

9. What is the main influencial factor in increased usage of internet?

  1. Increased interest in on line shopping

  2. The continuous online connectivity

  3. Busy Schedule of the users

  1. Only I And II

  2. Only II All the three

  3. None of the above


Q3. Complete the following sentences (ANY FOUR OUT OF THE GIVEN FIVE) by filling in the gaps by choosing the most appropriate of the given options:        (4X1=4 MARKS) 

  1. ........ of the boys has broken the window.

  1. Some

  2. One

  3. Many

  4. All

  1. …… entire polling station seemed to be a huge mass of humanity.

  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  1. Unfortunately, I have .......... talent for musicalthough i have always wanted to be a famous singer. 

  1. Plenty of

  2. Few

  3. A few

  4. Little

  1. Virat Kohli ……cricket for India for several years now.

  1. Had played

  2. Is playing

  3. Played

  4. Has been playing

  1. Passengers ……….. when the train stopped.

  1. Got off

  2. Get off

  3. Get out

  4. Getting off

Q4. Re-order/transform the following sentences (ANY FOUR OUT OF THE GIVEN FIVE) by choosing the most appropriate of the given options:                  (4X1=4 MARKS)

  1. Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

P : all animals have
Q : sensation but some
R : have memory
S : animals do not

  1. PRQS

  2. PQSR

  3. SRPQ

  4.  PRSQ

  1. Transform the given sentence into interrogative.

‘Stop it’.

  1. Will you stop it?

  2. Please stop it.

  3. Can you stop it?

  4. Please stop.

  1. Transform the given sentence into simple sentence.

She said that she was coming.

  1. She will come today.

  2. She is coming.

  3. She told of her coming.

  4. She told that she was coming.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct tense.

 When he  (arrive), we  (have) dinner.

  1. arrives, having

  2. arrived, were having

  3. arrived, having

  4. had arrived, were having

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct tense.

He  (already arrive) in Los Angeles?

  1. already arrived

  2. already arriving

  3. has already arrived

  4. already aerrives


LITERATURE (14marks)

Q5. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow (ANY ONE OUT OF THE GIVEN TWOEXTRACTS) by choosing the most appropriate of the given options: 

(3X1= 3MARKS)

I.  Now she’s been dead nearly as many years

As that girl lived. And of this circumstance

There is nothing to say at all.

Its silence silences.

  1. The poem from which this extract has been picked is

  1. Childhood

  2. The voice of the Rain

  3. A Photograph

  4. The Laburnum Top

  1. ‘this circumstance’ refers to

  1. Going to the sea beach

  2. Death of the mother

  3. Mother laughing at the photograph

  4. Loss of childhood

  1. ‘Its silence silences’ establishes

  1. The inevitability of death

  2. The mortality of human being

  3. The helplessness of the humans in the face of death

  4. All of the above

II.‘The whole tree trembles and thrills.

     It is the engine of her family.’

  1. The figure of speech used in the first line is

  1. Refrain

  2. Simile

  3. Alliteration

  4. Symbolism

  1. ‘it’ in the second line refers to

  1. The Laburnum tree

  2. The goldfinch bird

  3. Lizard

  4. The young ones of the bird

  1. What is described as 'engine' in the poem?
    a)  Lizard
    b)  Machine
    c)  Laburnum Tree
    d) None of the above

Q6. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow (ANY TWO OUT OF THE GIVEN THREE EXTRACTS) by choosing the most appropriate of the given options: 


  1.  ‘The Chinese painter does not want you to borrow his eyes; he wants you to enter his mind’.

                                                                                                                     (3X1=3 MARKS)

  1. The Chinese painter talked about in the chapter is

  1. Zhuangzi

  2. Confucius

  3. Quinten Metsys

  4. Wu Daozi

  1. What had the Chinese painter painted

  1. A fly on the panel

  2. A landscape on the palace wall

  3. Shanshui

  4. None of the above

  1. Which of the following statement is not correct as per the chapter

  1. Western paintings represent a perfect illusionistic likeness

  2. Chinese paintings are spiritual and conceptual 

  3. Chinese and Western paintings are similar in nature

  4. To understand a Chinese painting one has to enter the painter’s mind

II. ‘I was distressed that the boy who I thought would make a good husband, had decided to remain a bachelor’.                                                                                    (3X1=3 MARKS)

  1. Who is the ‘boy’ talked about in the above statement?

  1. Rangappa

  2. Shastri

  3. Gundabhatta

  4. Shyama

  1. Why didn’t the ‘boy’ wish to get married?

  1. He was already married

  2. He was afraid of getting married

  3. His parents didn’t want him to get married

  4. He wanted to find an appropriate and mature girl as his bride

  1. What did the speaker immediately decide after this?

  1. That he would do nothing

  2. That he would get the ‘boy’ married

  3. That he would talk to his parents

  4. That he would find a girl of the boy’s choice

III. “I’ll never go to that place,” Albert assured him.”I’m going to take this certificate to the head teacher tomorrow, and that will be the end of it”.            (3X1=3 MARKS)

  1. ‘that place’ refers to

  1. Poor quarters of Munich where Einstein lived

  2. Einstein’s school

  3. Milan

  4. Italy

  1. What certificate is being talked of here?

  1. Medical certificate

  2. School leaving certificate

  3. Certificate of fitness

  4. None of the above

  1. How did the certificate help Albert ?

  1. It helped him leave the school

  2. It helped him leave Milan

  3. It helped him enter into a reputed institute

  4. It did not help him at all

Q7. Answer ANY FIVE OUT OF THE GIVEN SIX questions by choosing the most appropriate of the given options:                                                                                                       

(5X1= 5 MARKS)

  1. What does ‘drokba’ refer to in the chapter ‘Silk Road’

  1. Tibetan nomadic people

  2. Sheepskin koat

  3. Wild ass herd

  4. Circumambulating the mount Kailash

  1. the term ‘Art-brut’ in the chapter ‘Landscape of Soul’ means

  1. figurative painting

  2. anecdote

  3. raw art

  4. realistic art

  1. Amenhotep IV (in the chapter ‘Discovering Tut......’ changed his name to

  1. Smenkhkare

  2. Tutankhamun

  3. Akhetaten

  4. Akhenetan

  1. What was the address in the chapter ‘The Address’?

  1. Macaroni Street, Number 45

  2. Marconi Street Number 46

  3. Dorling Street number 45

  4. MargaMinko, number 46

  1. Mourad  has been described as the natural descendant of

  1. Aram

  2. Zorab

  3. Khosrove

  4. John Byro

  1. Who was Joe Morgan?

  1. Doctor Andrew’s assistant

  2. Christin’s  father

  3. Christine’s husband

  4. Susan’s husband


READING                               (8 MARKS)

Q1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:     (8 MARKS)

Keeping cities clean is essential for keeping their residents healthy. Our health depends not just on personal hygiene and nutrition, but critically also on how clean we keep our cities and their surroundings. The spread of dengue and chikungunya are intimately linked to the deteriorating state of public health conditions in our cities.

The good news is that waste management to keep cities clean is now getting attention through the Swachh Bharat Mission. However, much of the attention begins and stops with the brooms and the dustbins, extending at most to the collection and transportation of the mixed waste to some distant or not so distant place, preferably out of sight.

The challenge of processing and treating the different streams of solid waste, and safe disposal of the residuals in scientific landfills, has received much less attention in municipal solid waste management than is expected from a health point of view.

One of the problems is that instead of focusing on waste management for health, we have got sidetracked into ‘‘waste for energy’’. If only we were to begin by not mixing the biodegradable component of solid waste (close to 60 percent of the total) in our cities with the dry waste, and instead use this stream of waste for composting and producing a gas called methane.

City compost from biodegradable waste provides an alternative to farmyard manure (like cow-dung). It provides an opportunity to simultaneously clean up our cities and help improve agricultural productivity and quality of the soil. Organic manure or compost plays a very important role as a supplement to chemical fertilisers in enriching the nutrient-deficient soils. City compost can be the new player in the field.

Benefits of compost on the farm are well-known. The water holding capacity of the soil which uses compost helps with drought-proofing, and the requirement of less water per crop is a welcome feature for a water-stressed future. By making the soil porous, use of compost also makes roots stronger and resistant to pests and decay. Farmers using compost, therefore, need less quantity of pesticides. There is also evidence to suggest that horticulture crops grown with compost have better flavour, size, colour and shelf-life.

City compost has the additional advantage of being weed-free unlike farmyard manure which brings with it the seeds of undigested grasses and requires a substantial additional labour cost for weeding as the crops grow. City compost is also rich in organic carbon, and our soils are short in this.

Farmers clearly recognize the value of city compost. If city waste was composted before making it available to the farmers for applying to the soil, cities would be cleaned up and the fields around them would be much more productive.

Quite apart from cleaning up the cities of biodegradable waste, this would be a major and sustainable contribution to improving the health of our soil without further damage by excessive chemical inputs. What a marvellous change from waste to health!

The good news is that some states are regularly laying plastic roads. Plastic roads will not only withstand future monsoon damage but will also solve a city’s problem of disposing of non-recyclable plastic. It is clear that if the mountains of waste from our cities were to be recycled into road construction material, it would tackle the problem of managing waste while freeing up scarce land.

I. On the basis of your reading of the passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it.                       5 M

II. Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. 3M

WRITING              (16 MARKS)

Q2.Draft a notice in not more than 50-words for your school notice board, informing the students about the sale of old sports goods of your school. You are Rohini/Rohan the secretary of the sports club of Alka Public School, Indira Nagar Faridabad. (Word limit: 50 words)(3MARKS)


As Secretary of the Activity Club of your school, draft a notice for the school noticeboard, informing students of the Inter-class Quiz contest being organised by the school. You are Nafisa/Pankaj. (Word limit: 50 words)                                                    (3MARKS)

Q3. You are Director General of Health Services. You want to invite people to come forward for eye donation. Draft a poster for the same. Word limit 50 words.(3MARKS)


Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment needs a poster for its ‘Prevention of Drug Abuse’ campaign on the occasion of International Day against Drug Abuse (26th June every year). Draft a poster to raise public awareness against drug abuse. Word limit 50 words.

 (3 MARKS)

Q4.You are Prantik/Prantika, the Secretary of the Historical Society of Nalanda Senior Secondary School, Bombay. You want to take a group of forty students of your school on a trip from Bombay to Delhi by a deluxe bus. Write a letter to Global Travels, Bombay, enquiring about their terms and conditions for package tours. You can ask about the duration of the trip, boarding and lodging charges, mode of payment, and discount available if any. Word limit 120-150 words.                                                                (5MARKS)


You have taken broadband facility from the BSNL, but the service is far from satisfactory. The connection is weak and often not available.Write a letter to the Manager asking him to remedy the fault. Make up the necessary details signing as Vidya Bhushan/Vidya Rani. Word limit 120-150 words.    (5 MARKS)

Q5. Swati attended a seminar where speakers narrated their experiences of the adverse impact of modern gadgets on our daily life. She has also experienced how these gadgets fail when needed most she decides to enlighten her school mates on this helpless state by delivering a speech in the morning assembly on the topic ‘Modern gadgets have made us slaves to machines’. Write the speech in about 120-150 words.(5MARKS)


Some people feel that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of print media (newspapers). What are your views on the issue? Write a debate in 120-150 words either for or against this view.                                                                                             (5MARKS)

LITERATURE           (16 MARKS)


                                                                                                                       (2X2=4 MARKS)

  1. Why does Taplow feel that Mr. Crocker Harris is ‘hardly human’?

  2. What proofs do you find of friendship between the grandmother and grandson in ‘The Portrait of a Lady?

  3. Why does the rain call itself ‘impalpable’?

  4. The poet’s mother would laugh at the photograph. Why?

Q7. Answer the following question (ANY ONE OUT OF THE GIVEN TWO) in 30-40 words.  (2 MARKS)

  1. What was Andrew’s greatest achievement and satisfaction as he walked out of House Number 12 .

  2. How did Aram, the narrator, justify the act of stealing the horse.

Q8. Answer ANY ONE OUT OF THE FOLLOWING TWO questions in about 120-150 words. (5MARKS)

  1. ‘We Are Not Afraid To Die .....’ is a story of team work, optimism and courage. Support this statement with suitable examples from the story.


  1. Is independent thinking a step towards adulthood? If yes, then how? Explain with reference to the poem ‘Childhood’.

Q9. Answer ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TWO questions in about 120-150 words. (5MARKS)

  1. Mrs Fitzgerald’s effort does not go in vain, as the family changes for better. Justify.


  1. Contrast the characters of the narrator’s mother and Mrs Dorling in the chapter ‘The Address’.

********* END OF THE PAPER *********

class 11 sample paper of english class 11 sample paper of english Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on February 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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