class11 sample paper of english




The paper has been divided into two parts

Part A- Objective (40 Marks)

Part B-Subjective (40 Marks)

1. Read the questions carefully and write the answers in the answer sheets with proper numbering.

2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


                                            PART –A (OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS ) 

Reading Section (18 marks)

1. Read the below given passage and answer the following questions by choosing the

correct option.                                                                                                 ( 1X10=10)


Call it a blessing or a curse of Mother Nature; we have to breathe in over 10,000 litres of air in a day (more than four million liters) in a year to remain alive. By making it essential for life, God has wished that we try to keep the air we breathe clean. Everyone can see the food that is not clean and perhaps refrain from eating it, but one cannot stop breathing even if one can feel the air to be polluted. Several harmful and noxious substances can contaminate the air we breathe. Generally, much is said and written about outdoor air pollution, most of which is due to vehicular and industrial exhausts. Given the fact that most of us spend over 90% of our time indoors, it is most important to recognize that the air we breathe in at home or in offices can be polluted. It can be a cause of ill-health.

 Air pollutants that are generally present in very low concentrations can assume significance in closed ill-ventilated places. The indoor air pollution can lead to allergic reactions and cause irritation to the skin, the eyes and the nose. But as is logical to assume, the brunt of insult by pollutants is borne by the lungs. It can lead to the development of fresh breathing problems, especially in those who have allergictendencies, or it can worsen the existing respiratory illnesses like asthma and bronchitis.

There can be several sources of indoor air pollution. Tobacco smoke is one of the most important air pollutants in closed places. The next most important source of indoor air pollution is the allergens. House dust mites (HDM) are very small insects not visible to the naked eye and are the commonest source of allergy in the house. They are ubiquitous and thrive in a warm and moist atmosphere. They breed very fast and are very difficult to eradicate. Modern houses present ample breeding spaces for them in the form of carpets, curtains, mattresses, pillows, etc. Exposure to HDM can be prevented by the frequent washing of linen and by encasing the mattresses and pillows in a non-permeable cover.

Pets form an important part of life for some of us. But they can add plenty of allergens to our indoor atmosphere. Cats are notorious for doing this. Fine particles from feline fur can remain stuck to the upholstery and carpets for a long time even after the removal of the animal and lead to the worsening of asthma and skin allergies. Fortunately, owing to religious and social customs cats are not very popular pets in India. Dogs, however, are quite popular and can be as troublesome. Pets should be kept out of the bedrooms and washed frequently. To remove the fur particles one has to use vacuum cleaners as the ordinary broom and mop are not effective. Moulds, fungi and several other microorganisms thrive in damp conditions and can lead to allergies as well as infections.

Humidifiers in the air-conditioning plants provide an ideal environment for certain types of bacteria and have led to major outbreaks of pneumonia. It is important to clean regularly the coolers, air-conditioners and damp areas of the house such as cupboards, lofts, etc. to minimize this risk. Toxic gases can also pollute the indoor environment. Biomass fuels (wood, cow dung, dried plants) and coal, if burned inside, can lead to severe contamination by carbon monoxide (CO): The poor quality of stoves and other cooking or heating appliances that cause incomplete combustion of LPG can also lead to the emission of CO or nitrogen dioxide. Formaldehyde (a gas) can be released from adhesives that are used for fixing carpets, upholstery and also in making plywood and particleboard. The gases are very toxic in high concentrations as may be encountered during industrial accidents, but even in very minimal amounts, as may be prevalent in homes and offices, they can cause irritation to the skin or the eyes, rashes, headache, dizziness and nausea. Improving the ventilation is an important preventive measure, besides trying to eliminate the source that may not be always feasible.

Other indoor pollutants are toxic chemicals like cleansing agents, pesticides, paints, solvents and inferior-quality personal-care products, especially aerosols. Very old crumbling pipes, boilers, insulation or false roofing can also be important sources. Asbestos is a hazardous product that can cause cancer in humans. It is important to realise that the air we breathe at home may not be clean always and we must try to eliminate the source of pollution. We should give due consideration to ventilation.

A. Choose the most appropriate option: (1 x 10 = 10 marks)

(i) The Almighty wants that human beings.....................

a. should try to breathe clean air                                                                                                     b .should not pay attention to pollutants                                                                                                        c. must ignore ETS                                                                                                                          d. should become passive smokers

(ii) The toxic gases cause ..................... 

a. rashes       b. headache          c. dizziness         d. all of these

 (iii) Air conditioning plants become the cause of .....................

a. allergies     b. pneumonia      c. heart attack            d. infection

(iv) Asbestos is a hazardous product because it can .............................

a. cause cancer in humans           b. cause respiratory problems

 c. prove fatal to the children      d. none of these

(v) ___________ can also pollute the indoor environment.

a. Smoking      b. toxic gases        c. industrial exhausts.        d. Cats

(vi) Air pollutants present in very low concentrations can assume significance in....................

 a. indoor places       b. dark places        c. ill-ventilated places      d. carpets and rugs

(vii) Incomplete combustion of LPG can also lead to the emission of.......................

a. nitrogen dioxide.          b. Formaldehyde        c. Asthma         d. bronchitis.

(viii) The brunt of insult by pollutants is borne by the _______________

  1. Air      b. ill –ventilated places         c. Lungs          d. heart attack

(ix) The word ‘noxious’ means ________________ 

a. Healthy b. Poisonous c. Innocuous        d. Voluminous

(x) The word ‘thrive’ means_______________

a. flourish b. lade c. droopd. wane

(xi)Which word in Para 3 means the opposite of ‘rare’

  1. thrive   b. popular    c. obliquitous  d. eradicate

Q2. A Read the passage given below.    (8X1=8)

  1. Food on the table is a very warm sight, but only few take preparation of the same as an art. That’s why the last room in the darkest corner of the house has always been reserved for the kitchen. Most of the time, compared to other rooms, kitchens would be smaller in size and least furnished. Kitchens used to be women’s space, especially in traditional households where the joint family system was the order of the family structure, the women in the houses are supposed to cook and bring the food to the dining area where men and guests usually eat. In some of the cases, women are implicitly expected to have their food in the kitchen itself. 

  1. At least 86% of the newly built houses even in urban areas have smaller kitchens than master bedrooms. The percentage of people preferring a well ventilated kitchen over a well ventilated bedroom is less than 25%. In rural areas at least 50% of the old generation houses and not less than 30% of the newly built houses have no kitchens inside the walled areas or the preliminary construction. Statistics also show that not even 10% of the people invest in furnishing their kitchens the way they do with their drawing rooms.  

  1. As changes happened in all walks of life and gender roles changed elsewhere, in the kitchen as well men’s participation increased. In the present world, our greatest chefs are men; this has a whole socio-cultural explication but quite interesting is how architecture and our sense of space management got meddled in, especially in households. 

Image 1

  1. In earlier days, when the joint family system used to be the order, there used to be a lot of people in the house that at the same time when somebody is cooking, there will be enough people to engage the guests as well. And not accidently, the people in the front used to be men and people in the kitchens used to be women. 

Image 2 

  1. Now in the modern nuclear family days, there aren’t enough people to allocate to kitchen works and guest entertaining duties separately in individual houses, so the only option is for the same people to do both. For this, either one has to take the guest to the kitchen or bring the kitchen to the guest. The second option gets its material form when in modern day architecture, the kitchen is integrated to dining space. The traditional gender roles also got transgressed at some point. When in earlier days cooking remained a women’s job and entertaining the guest was the men’s job, these days participation is equal from the side of men and women for these activities. 

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the NINE that follow. (8X1 = 8) 

i. What is the most appropriate premise on which the above passage could be constructed?

a. Kitchens are always a priority when it comes to house construction. 

b. Women are demanding for more equality in housekeeping, the way they do this is by restructuring the kitchen. 

c. There is a connection between architecture, food culture and gender. 

d. Even if the kitchen is placed in the middle of the house, traditional gender roles are never going to change. 

ii. Pick the option that lists statements that are TRUE according to the passage. 

1. More people prefer larger kitchens than bedrooms in their houses.  

2. A lot of people take preparation of food as an art.

3. Over the course of time, men’s participation in the kitchen has increased. 

4. Kitchen is integrated into the dining space in modern day architecture.

a. 1 & 2 

b. 3 & 4 

c. 2 & 3 

d. 1 & 4 

iii. Which word has the same meaning as ‘intervene’, in paragraph 3? 

a. Change 

b. Participate 

c. Explicate 

d. Meddle 

iv. Based on the cartoon (Image 1) with the quote “Oh! I can tell from that look, you are never going to let this go”, which of the following statements is correct?  

a. The cartoon is trying to establish that women are unforgiving. 

b. The cartoon is trying to establish that men are generally bad at cooking. 

c. The cartoon is trying to establish that cooking is dangerous and it must be done carefully.

d. The cartoon is trying to establish that we shouldn’t trust untrained people with cooking whether it’s a man or a woman. 

v. “... in modern day architecture, the kitchen is integrated to dining space.” What is the root reason for this? 

a. In individual nuclear families there aren’t enough members to separately manage guests and kitchen works. 

b. The traditional gender roles also got transgressed at some point, so women started revolting for kitchen centered architecture. 

c. Participation in household works became naturally equal as time passed. 

d. It happened as a result of architectural innovations which happened in the modern era. 

vi. Image 2 shows the search result of “richest celebrity chefs in the world”. Which paragraph makes a statement that corresponds to this search result?  

a. Paragraph 1

b. Paragraph 4

c. Paragraph 2

d. Paragraph 3

vii. Based on the data given in para 2, which combination given below is right?  

1. Only 14 % of the newly built houses in urban areas have bigger kitchens than master bedrooms.

2. More than 30% of the newly built houses in rural and urban areas have no kitchens inside the walled areas

3. 90% of the people invest in furnishing their kitchens the way they do with their drawing rooms.  

4. The percentage of people preferring a well ventilated kitchen over a well ventilated bedroom is less than 25%

a. 1 & 2 

b. 3 & 4 

c. 1 & 4 

d. 2 & 4 

viii. “In the present world, our greatest chefs are men.” What assumption is NOT FALSE based on this statement? 

a) When it comes to professionalism, men are superior to women, even in doing women's jobs. 

b) This has nothing to do with gender. It must have happened due to preferences of individuals and other favourable situations. 

c) When it comes to doing things at larger levels, women fail to excel. 

d) This is clearly because the world favours men over women, even though any woman can cook food better than any man. 

ix. Which of the pie charts given below is correct in reference to the presence of kitchens inside walled areas for newly constructed houses in rural areas? 

Points scoredPoints scored

Points scoredPoints scored

a. Option 1 

b. Option 2 

c. Option 3 

d. Option 4 


Q3: Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.
(i)……………. books are missing from the library. (Any, Some, Much, Either)
(ii) She has not solved…………….. sums. (many, any, more, none)
(iii) This book is mine but………………. is yours. (that, some, these, any)
(iv)  ……………..boys have done their work. (That, Either, Neither, These)

(v) ……… elephant I saw in the circus was fully trained to perform tricks. (A, An, The, That)


Q4. There is an error of tense in the given sentences. Choose the correct option from the given ones. In case there is no error choose the option of “ no correction”.
i. I appeared for the interview today.
(a) appear
(b) has appeared
(c) appearing
(d) No correction

ii. In the last ten years, the problem has almost became an epidemic.
(a) becomes
(b) become
(c) had become
(d) No correction

iii. She waiting for her sister’s marriage.
(a) waits
(b) is waiting
(c) will waiting
(d) No correction

iv. Digital downloads having changed the way we listen to music.
(a) been
(b) having been
(c) have
(d) No correction


Q5. Read the extract given below and answer any one of the extracts that follow.(1X3=3)

When did my childhood go?

Was it when I found my mind was really mine, To use whichever way I choose,

Producing thoughts that were not those of .

other people, But my own, and mine alone Was that the day!”

I. Explain “my mind was really mine”.

(a) It means that his mind was influenced by others

(b) It means that his mind was not influenced by others

(c) It means that his mind was influenced by his parents

(d) It means that he was not confused

II. What did the poet realise?

(a) He realised that his mind belonged to his parents

(b) He realised that his mind was controlled by his friends

(c) He realised that his mind was controlled by his teachers

(d) He realised that his mind was his, and he had his own individuality

III. The poet ……….. find an answer to his question.

(a) did

(b) did not

(c) can

(d) may


It is the engine of her family.
She stokes it full, then flirts out to a branch-end
Showing her barred face identity mask

  1. What does the phrase “her barred face identity mask” mean?
    A. because she was brown in colour
    B. due to her dark coloured yellow body
    C. bird’s face became her identity and symbol of recognition
    D. None of the above

  2. What is described as 'engine' in the poem?
    A. Lizard
    B. Machine
    C. Laburnum Tree
    D. None of the above

  3. What is the name of the poem and the poet?

  1. The Laburnum Top , Ted Hughes

  2. The Voice of Rain, Walt Whitman

  3. The Laburnum Top , Shirley Toulson 

  4. The Voice of Rain, Ted Hughes

Q6. Read the extract given below and answer any two of the extracts that follow.(1X6=6)

6.1 This concept is expressed as Shanshui, literally ‘mountain water’ which used together represent the word ‘landscape’. More than two elements of an image, these represent two complementary poles, reflecting the Daoist view of the universe. The mountain is Yang — reaching vertically towards Heaven, stable, warm, and dry in the sun, while the water is Yin — horizontal and resting on the earth, fluid, moist and cool.

  1. Which concept is known as ‘Shanshui’?

  1. European concept of art

  2. Chinese concept of art

  3. Both a & b

  4. None of the above

  1. What does the concept of ‘Shanshui’represent?

  1. Imaginary place

  2. Worship

  3. ‘Mountain water’ which when used together represents the word ‘landscape’

  4. None of the above

  1. What does ‘Yang’ mean?

  1. horizontal and resting on the earth, fluid, moist and cool.

  2. vertically towards Heaven, stable, warm, and dry in the sun

  3. Neutral Action

  4. None of the above


  1. “We were getting no replies to our Mayday calls –which was not surprising in this remote   corner of world. Sue’s head had swollen alarmingly”, she had two enormous black eyes, and now she showed us a deep cut on her arm. When I asked why she hadn’t made more of her injuries before this, she replied, “I didn’t want to worry you when you were trying to save us all.”

  1. How did she react when faced with danger?

  1. Quite boldly

  2.  got afraid

  3. Complained of her injuries

  4. Become quiet.

  1. She did not tell her father about her injuries because

  1. She didn’t want o tell 

  2. She didn’t want to worry him

  3. She was not in condition to tell

  4. Jonathan has already told.

  1. What are May Day calls?

  1. National Radio Distress signals

  2. National Radio Disaster signals

  3. International Radio Distress signals

  4. International Radio Disaster signals


6.3 .‘Do you still know me?’ I asked.

The woman looked at me searchingly. She had opened the door a chink. I came closer and stood on the step.

‘No, I don’t know you.’

‘I’m Mrs S’s daughter.’

She held her hand on the door as though she wanted to prevent it opening any further.

1. Why did the lady open the door only a chink? 

(a) the room was dirty 

(b) somebody was in the room 

(c) the room had certain belongings of the narrator

(d) the lady was shy 

2. Who was Mrs. ‘S’? 

(a) the writer 

(b) the lady who lived at the address

(c) the mother of the writer

(d) the mother of the narrator 

3. Why did the woman look at her searchingly? 

(a) She could not recognise 

(b) She pretended not to recognise 

(c) She was searching something 

(d) She did not like visitors

Q7. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives. (Any Five)    (5x1=5)

I. What set Wavewalker upright?

(a) another wave

(b) captain’s lifeline 

(c) starboard

(d) cabin wheel 

II. In which year did the anatomy professor X-ray Tut’s Mummy?

(a) 1965 

(b) 1971

(c) 1968

(d) 1961

III. What did Quinten Metsys do? (Landscape of The Soul)

(a) painted a fly

(b) painted a dragon 

(c) painted a cave

(d) painted an eye

IV. Which season is described in the poem ‘Laburnum Top’?

(a) Summer

(b) Winter 

(c) Autumn 

(d) Spring

V. What did people say about Mourad? He was.............

(a) Calm 

(b) angry

(c) crazy 

(d) joyous

VI.  What is true about Ratna? 

(a) Her both parents died 

(b) She was accountant’s niece

(c) She was from a village 

(d) She could play sitar 



Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(5+3= 8)

India has stood for freedom: Even before Independence we viewed our own struggle and difficulties onthe larger canvas of global problems. If democracy is basically tolerance for others' opinions, theconcept of co-existence is democracy on the international plane, for it embodies tolerance of othernations and systems. Similarly non-alignment gives depth to our independence and self-reliance for itenables us to retain our freedom of judgment and action on international issues in the light of ournational interests. We avoid involvement in the conflicts and disputes of others and this helps to bluntconflict between power blocs. I should like to think that it has also helped world stability.

A country is an extended family. When income and resources are limited, one must budget to ensurethat waste is avoided, resources husbanded, priorities established, education and other social needscatered to, special provision made for those who are weaker or smaller. Industry has to be balancedwith agriculture; technology with culture; state ventures with private initiative; economic growth withsocial justice; the large with the small. Every section of society must be stimulated to creative activity.That is our planning. In no way is it totalitarian or coercive. Industrializing, modernizing aridtransforming an ancient society of immense size, population and diversity is a daunting venture andinevitably, a gradual one. Otherwise there will be resentment. Transformation should not cause toomuch dislocation or suffering for the people nor should it jettison the basic spiritual and culturalvalues of our civilization.

India's planning experience sums up the successes and problems of our democraticdevelopment. The magnitude and significance of democracy's operation in India are not wellunderstood, for it is often treated as an adventitious or borrowed growth. Why has democracy workedin India? Our national leadership was dedicated to it and we wanted it to work, but, also, because inour society there were elements and traditions which supported the growth of democracy.

In our democratic system, there may be differences in many spheres but we rise above them. Toachieve the objective of keeping the country united, we have to transcend political and party- baseddifferences, which create dissensions. If we cannot remain united and the country does not remainstrong, with whom shall we have differences? Against whom shall we fight? With whom shall we befriends? Brothers and sisters, if the country falls, nobody survives. When we were fighting for thefreedom of our country, it did not mean only political freedom. It also meant social justice, equality andeconomic justice. Only one phase is over and another one is under way. We have to cover a long anddifficult path. Whereas the enemies were visible during those days; now they are in disguise. Some ofthem are openly our enemies, but many become unintentional pawns of others.

1 On the basis of your reading, make notes using appropriate abbreviations. (5 Marks)

 2. Write a summary of the above passage in 80 words.  (3 MARKS)


Q2. Your school is organizing a fete to collect funds for charity.  Only school students are eligible to put up stalls.  As the Head Boy/ Head Girl of Gautami International School, draft a notice in not more than 50 words, announcing sale of stalls and giving all other necessary details. 3M


You are Shruti / Saurabh, Secretary, Literary Association of Queen Victoria School, Nagpur. Write a notice giving details of the inauguration of the literary association activities.

(50 words) 3M

Q3. You are the President of your school Theatre Club. Your club is organizing a play, ‘The Miser’ to help the victims of earthquake.  Design a poster, informing the students about this play. Invent necessary details. (50 words) 3M


Design a poster informing the residents of your association regarding the necessary precaution to be  taken during the Covid 19 Pandemic. You are Stella/Sameer, The Secretary of Residents Association.(50 words) 3 M

Q4. Recently you bought arefrigerator from D.K. Electricals Sadar Bazar, New Delhi , but you found that it  is not working properly. Write a letter complaining about the same. Sign yourself as Ankit. (120-150 words) 5M


Mr.Kamal Aggarwal is the sports instructor in DPS School, Meerut.  The Principal asks him to place an order for buying hockey sticks, tennis racquets, cricket kits and necessary sports accessories.  Mr.Aggarwal decides to place an order with M/s Chhabra Sports Equipment, New Delhi. Write a letter placing order for the same. (120-150 words) 5M

Q5. There was a time when children could be seen playing outdoor games like Hide and Seek, Football etc., But now-a-days they are very much pre-occupied with chatting on mobiles, surfing the internet and watching TV.  Outdoor games are very necessary as they keep one physically fit.  Write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on ’Games are very necessary for holistic growth’.(120-150 words) 5M


You are Rohan/Rakhi of Class XII –C. Your school has organized a debate on “Students should not be allowed to use Social Media.” Write your views in favour of the topic. You can take help from the visual given below. (150 – 200 words)

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-27 at 11.49.50 AM.jpeg


Q6. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. (2x2=4 marks)

 (a) Why does the rain descend from heaven?


  What is the goldfinch’s movement compared to and how?

(b) “The landscape is an inner one, a spiritual and conceptual space.”- Explain


The author was disappointed atDarchen. Why?

Q7. Answer any ONE of the following questions in 40-50 words.(2x1=2)

(a) What impression do you form of cousin Mourad?

            (b) What are the issues  raised in the play “ Mother’s Day”?

Q8.Answer the following question in 120-150 words. (1X5 = 5)

 (a) What values do you learn from the goldfinch in the poem “The Laburnum Top”?


(b)The narrator was successful in saving Wavewalker and its passengers. Explain the qualities of the narrator that are conveyed through the text.

Q9. Answer the following question in 120-150 words. (1X5 = 5)

a.‘Andrew’s visit to the Morgan’s gave him pleasure and satisfaction that he had not achieved earlier’. Justify


(b) Make a pen portrait of Albert Einstein based on the theme of the text.

********* END OF THE PAPER **

class11 sample paper of english class11 sample paper of english Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on February 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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