Sample paper of english class11

   CLASSXI   SAMPLE PAPER  ENGLISH  2021-22                                                    


Part A- Objective (40 Marks)

Part B-Subjective (40 Marks)

1. Read the questions carefully and write the answers in the answer sheets with proper numbering.

2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


                            PART –A (OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS ) 

Reading Section (18 marks)

1. Read the passage given below:                                                                  ( 1 X 10 = 10)

1. Every morning Ravi gives his brain an extra boost. We’re not talking about drinking strong cups of coffee or playing one of those mind training video games advertised all over Facebook. “I jump onto my stationary bike and cycle for 45 minutes to work,” says Ravi.     “When I get to my desk, my brain is at peak activity for a few hours.” After his mental focus comes to a halt later in the day, he starts it with another short spell of cycling to be able to run errands.

2. Ride, work, ride, repeat. It’s a scientifically proven system that describes some unexpected benefits of cycling. In a recent study in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, scientists found that people scored higher on tests of memory, reasoning and planning after 30 minutes of spinning on a stationary bike than they did before they rode the bike. They also completed the tests faster after pedalling.

3. Exercise is like fertilizer for your brain. All those hours spent on exercising your muscles, create rich capillary beds not only in leg and hip muscles, but also in your brain. More blood vessels in your brain and muscles mean more oxygen and nutrients to help them work. When you pedal, you also force more nerve cells to fire. The result: you double or triple the production of these cells- literally building your brain. You also release neurotransmitters      (the messengers between your brain cells) so all those cells, new and old, can communicate with each other for better, faster functioning. That’s a pretty profound benefit to cyclists.

4. This kind of growth is especially important with each passing birthday, because as we age, our brains shrink and those connections weaken. Exercise restores and protects the brain cells. Neuroscientists say, “Adults who exercise display sharper memory skills, higher concentration levels, more fluid thinking and greater problem solving ability than those who are sedentary.” 

5. Cycling also elevates your mood, relieves anxiety, increases stress resistance and even banishes the blues. “Exercise works in the same way as psychotherapy and antidepressants in the treatment of depression, maybe better,” says Dr Manjari. A recent study analyzing 26 years of research finds that even some exercise- as little as 20 to 30 minutes a day- can prevent depression over the long term.

6. Remember: although it’s healthy, exercise itself is a stress, especially when you’re just getting started or getting back into riding. When you first begin to exert yourself, your body releases a particular hormone to raise your heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose levels, says Meher Ahluwalia, PhD, a professor of integrative physiology. As you get fitter, it takes a longer, harder ride to trigger that same response.

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the eleven given below:                                                                     ( 1 X 10 = 10 )

i) Ravi gets his brain to work at peak level by

a) drinking three cups of coffee

b) playing games that need brain activity

c) cycling on a stationary bike

d) taking tablets to pump up his brain 

ii) Ravi does a circuit of ‘ride,work, ride’?

 a) to be able to run errands

 b) to complete tests faster

 c) to visit various places

 d) to improve his memory

iii) When nerve cells work during exercise then

 a) the body experiences stress

 b) the brain is strengthened by multiplying them

 c) you start to lose your temper

 d) your stationary cycle starts to beep 

iv) ‘ Exercise is like fertilizer for your brain’ means it

  a) creates rich capillary beds in leg muscles

  b) boosts your memory and concentration

 c) provides oxygen and nutrients to brain

 d) improves creativity and imagination

v) The work of neurotransmitters is to help in

 a) strengthening nervous system

 b) communicating between brain cells

 c) increasing intuition

 d) improving brain size

vi) A phrase which conveys antidepressant effect of cycling can be

 a) ‘display more fluid thinking’

 b) ‘forces more nerve cells to fire’

 c) ‘creates rich capillary beds’

 d) ‘banishes the blues’

 vii) The expression ‘Although it’s healthy, exercise itself is a stress’ is an example of

 a) paradox

 b) metaphor

 c) hyperbole

 d) personification 

viii) Overall this passage is about

 a) physiological benefits of cycling

 b) physical benefits of cycling

 c) mental benefits of cycling

 d) hormonal benefits of cycling

ix) Find a word from the passage which means the opposite of ‘active’

 a) sedentary

 b) fluid

 c) profound

 d) halt

x) Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘manure’

a) nutrients

b) fertilizer

c) boost

d) peak

xi) What is the reason responsible for bicycle boom in India in 2020 during lockdown?

a) free time available                       

b) clean air & empty roads

c) desire for fitness

d) all of the above

2. Read the passage given below:                                                                  ( 1 X 8 = 8m) 

Here’s good news for tigers conversationists, tigers authorities and wildlife lovers celebrating International Tiger Day. According to the latest census of 2018 released by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on International Tiger Day, India is home to 2,967 tigers. What makes this figure significant is that it is an increase by a third as compared to 2014 and more than double as compared to 2006. The latest census also reveals the states with the highest tiger  populations and those with the lower ones, along with the economic value( Pegged between 4200 crores to 16000 crores annually) of tiger reserves in the country. See the given infographic.

The latest tiger census is very encouraging, and points to the successful strategies, methods and techniques being adopted and pursued by wildlife authorities and wildlife conservationists to protect the tiger.

The tiger census 2018 was taken after a painstaking 15months’ work where the forest officials surveyed 3,81,400 sq km of forested habitats. During the same period of time, they also installed 26,760 camera traps, with wildlife biologists going through 35 million images of wildlife. Of this astounding number of images, 76,523 were those of tigers. It is estimated that almost 83% of the entire tiger population was represented in these images. 

 The figures are certainly cause for enthusiasm, and a great deal of it was reflected in the address by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on International Tiger Day. In it, he also stressed on the need for striking a healthy balance between development and environment. Addressing this issue, he went on to say, “There is a very old debate- development or environment. Both sides present views as if they are mutually exclusive. In our policies, in our economics, we 

have to change the conversation about conservation. I am confident that India will prosper both economically and environmentally. India will build more roads and India will have cleaner rivers. India will have better train connectivity and also greater tree coverage.


On the basis of your understanding of the passage, attempt any eight questions from the nine that follow:                                                                                  ( 1m X 8 = 8m)

i) Which of the following would be the most appropriate heading for the above passage?

a) The Return of the Cats

b) The Roar of the Lion

c) The King Makes a Comeback

d) The Roar is Back

ii) According to the 2018 survey, tick the statement which is true regarding the number of tigers in each state.

a) Madhya Pradesh vies closely with Karnataka for the first place.

b) Uttarakhand trails behind Karnataka by 100 tigers.

c) The combined tiger population of Kerala and Tamil Nadu is less than that of Uttarakhand

d) Assam has more tigers as compared to Tamil Nadu.

iii) India achieved its target of doubling its tiger population years ahead of the target year.

a) 3          b) 4         c) 5           d) 6

iv)The tiger population statistics of the world reveal that the tiger population of the top three states of India ____________________________ that of the whole world.

a) is as much as                                                                  b) is less than

c) is equal to                                                                       d) is more than

v) Among India’s neighbouring countries, which country has the highest tiger population?

a) Nepal                                                                              b) Bhutan

c) Bangladesh                                                                     d) Myanmar

vi) Select the statement that is false.

a) The economic value of tiger reserves runs to thousands of crores.

b) Madhya Pradesh has the largest population of tigers.

c)  Home to the famous Royal Bengal Tiger, West Bengal is  among the top tiger states of India.

d) The total area of forested habitats in India is 3,81,400 sq km.

vii) The census was the result of ‘painstaking effort’. Which of the following words can best replace ‘painstaking’ in the given context?

a) feverish                                                                             b) haphazard

c) slapdash                                                                            d) assiduous

viii) What is the ‘old debate’ that the prime minister refers to?

a) conversation vs conservation

b) environment vs development

c) roads vs rivers

d) more roads vs greater tree coverage

ix) According to a recently released report, population of which big cat has increased to 12,852 in 2018 from around 8,000 in 2014.

a) leopard                                                                                  b) panther

c) Asiatic lion                                                                            d) cheetah


3. Fill ANY FOUR of the following blanks with suitable determiners/forms of verb                    by choosing the most appropriate option:                                             ( 1 X 4 = 4m)

i) ______________ people were killed in the Second World War.

a) Some  b) Any  c) A few  d) Many

ii) _____________ knowledge is a dangerous thing.

a) Little  b) A little  c) The little  d) A few

iii) If you ______________  hard , you will pass.

a) will work      b) work   c) working  d) worked

iv) I _______________ the station before the train arrived.

a) reached      b) will reach   c) had reached   d) reach

v) It _____________ now, we can’t go out.

a) is raining    b) rains   c) rained   d) will rain

4. Rearrange ANY FOUR of the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences:                                                                                                   ( 1 X 4 = 4m)

i) P. all the books

Q. had asked for

R. I managed to get

S. that you

a) PRSQ   b) PSRQ  c) RPSQ  d)PSQR

ii) P. the coldest

Q. this winter

R. is

S. in living memory

a) SPRQ  b) QRSP  c) QSRP  d) QRPS

iii) P. from childhood

Q. must start 

R. right

S. character building

a) RSQP  b) SQRP  c) RPSQ  d) QPRS

iv) P. because of

Q. Delhi is

R. its location

S. prone to earthquakes

a) QSPR  b) QPRS  c) SQPR  d) PSQR

v) P. most valuable

Q. man’s possession

R. character is the

S. of a

a) SQRP  b) RPSQ  c) RSQP  d) RQSP


5. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE of the two given by answering the questions that follow:                                                                                   1m X 3 = 3m


And the sea, which appears to have changed less,

Washed their terribly transient feet.

i) Whose feet are described here?

a)  Dolly and Betty’s

b) Uncle and his daughters’

c) the mother and her cousins’

d) the poet and her mother’s

ii) The feet have been called ‘terribly transient’ because

a) they were terribly ugly

b) they were very dirty

c) they were very crooked

d) they represent temporary life

iii) ‘terribly transient feet’ is an example of which literary device

a) alliteration

b) transferred epithet

c) both a & b

d) hyperbole



Till the goldfinch comes, with a twitching chirrup

A suddenness, a startlement, at a branch end.

Then sleek as a lizard, and alert, and abrupt,

She enters the thickness

i) Before the goldfinch arrived, the tree was

 a) quiet and still

b) bare and bored

c) golden yellow

d) green and fruit laden

ii) What does the manner in which the goldfinch enters suggest about her character?

a) she is timid

b) she is very noisy

c) she is very tired

d) she is alert & cautious 

iii) She enters the thickness in order to

a) hide herself

b) feed her young ones

c) call her mate

d) scare away the lizard 

6. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY TWO of the three given by answering the questions that follow :                              ( 3m X 2 = 6m)

(A) On the front she had drawn caricatures of Mary and me with the words: “Here are some funny people. Did they make you laugh? I laughed a lot as well.” Inside was a message: “ Oh, how I love you both. So this card is to say thank you and let’s hope for the best.” Somehow we had to make it.

i) When does this incident happen in the story?

a) January 2

b) January 3

c) January 4

d) January 5

ii) What was the occasion on which the card was given?

a) Anniversary of her parents

b) New year eve

c) Christmas eve

d) None of the above

iii) What was the ultimate effect of the card on the Captain?

a) He felt emotionally weak

b) He felt sorry for his family

c) He became determined to save his family

d) He became wry, both sad and amused


B.When the time came for me to tell him what brought me to Darchen, his eyes lit up. “ We could be a team,” he said excitedly. “Two academics who have escaped from the library.” Perhaps my positive thinking strategy was working after all.

i) Where had the author met Norbu for the first time?

a) In a library

b) In a bookshop

c) In a café

d) In the market

ii) What was the common characteristic between the author and Norbu?

a) Both were more scholarly than devout

b) Both were Europeans not Tibetans

c) Both knew English not Tibetan

d) Both were practicing Buddhists

iii) When writer had reached Darchen, he had felt his positive thinking wasn’t working because

a) it was very cold

b) he was not feeling well

c) he had no place to stay

d) there were no pilgrims

(C) The farmer looked into the mouth of the horse.


Tooth for tooth, he said. I would swear it is my horse if I didn’t know your parents. The fame of your family for honesty is well known to me. Yet the horse is the twin of my horse. A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his heart. Good day, my young friends.

Good day, John Byro, my cousin Mourad said.

i) Who was John Byro?

a) an Assyrian farmer

b) an Armenian farmer

c) an American farmer

d) an Austrian farmer

ii) Which expression(s) tell us that the horse was identical to his horse?

a) tooth for tooth

b) I would swear it is my horse

c) the horse is the twin of my horse

d) all of the above

iii) What was the family of the boys known for?

a) only honesty

b) pride & honesty

c) pride, honesty & high morals

d) poverty & honesty

7.Attempt ANY FIVE  questions from the six given below:     ( 1 X 5 = 5m)

i) What did the grandmother intend by singing her morning prayers in a monotonous sing-song                                                                                                                    1 

a) the child would know the value of prayers

b) the child would be thankful to god

c) the child would start singing along

d) the child would know it by heart 

ii) Why did the author hire the two crewmen?                                                   

a) because he could no longer sail the ship

b) to take rest from long the voyage

c) to help tackle one of the world’s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean

d) he wanted to spend some time with his family

iii)I was in a room I knew and did not know.” What does the narrator mean by this? 

a) She saw familiar things but in unfamiliar surroundings

b) She did not recognize the things she saw

c) She saw unfamiliar things but in familiar surroundings

d) She did not want to remember anything

iv)According to the Shastri, what was Ranga’s concern? 1

a) Concern for his village

b) Concern for a job

c) Concern for his studies

d) Concern for a girl

v) What does the poet realize about adults? 1 

a) adults were not all they seemed to be

b) did not talk of love

c) adults did what they said

d) adults are very truthful

vi) Why does the rain tell the poet that she is impalpable? 

a ) because she is crystal clear water 

b) because she rises in the form of water vapour 

c) because she is transparent liquid

d) because she is in the form of clouds



Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(5+3= 8)

Vegetables are important protective food and highly beneficial for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. They contain valuable food ingredients which can be successfully utilised to build up and repair the body.

Vegetables are valuable in maintaining alkaline reserve in the body. They are valued mainly for their high vitamin and mineral contents. Vitamins A, B and C are contained in vegetables in fair amounts. Faulty cooking and prolonged careless storage can, however destroy these valuable elements.

There are different kinds of vegetables. They may be edible roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds. Each group contributes to diet in its own way. Roots are high in energy value and good sources of vitamin B group. Seeds are relatively high in carbohydrates and proteins.

Leaves, stems and fruits are excellent sources of minerals, vitamins, water and roughage.

It is not the green vegetables only that are useful. Farinaceous vegetables consisting of starchy roots such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, the tubers and legumes are also valuable. They are excellent sources of carbohydrates and provide energy to the body.

To derive maximum benefits of their nutrients, vegetables should be consumed fresh as far as possible. Most vegetables are best consumed in their natural raw state in the form of salads. No vegetable should be peeled unless it is so old that the peeling is tough and unpalatable. In most root vegetables, the largest amount of minerals is directly under the skin and these are lost if vegetables are peeled. Soaking of vegetables should also be avoided if taste and nutritive value are to be preserved. Finally, vegetables should not be cooked in aluminium utensils. Aluminium is a soft metal and is acted upon by both food acids and alkalis. There is scientific evidence to show that tiny particles of aluminium from foods cooked in such utensils enter the stomach and the powerful astringent properties of aluminium injure the sensitive lining of the stomach leading to gastric irritation, digestive and intestinal ailments.

a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub headings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply an appropriate title to it.                                                                             5m

b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80-100 words.                      3m


9. You are Kiran / Karan, Secretary of Art & Craft Club of your school, Bhavan Vidyalaya, Panchkula. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board about an ‘On the spot Painting competition’ to be held on Children’s Day in the school. Invite budding artists to submit their names for the participation, mentioning the prizes.                      3m                                                                                                                                                                            


You are Srinivas/ Srinidhi, Physical Education Teacher, Sanskriti School, Mysore. You have to select the school hockey team for Regional Sports Meet. Write a notice in about 50 words inviting those interested in selection to give their names and report for trials in proper kit.

10. You are the Secretary of Health Club of Delhi Public School, Yamunanagar. Design a poster in not more than 50 words to highlight measures that people must adopt for preventing the spread of novel coronavirus.                                                                                  3m


You are Secretary, Social Service League of your school. Design a poster in 50 words to be displayed in your school and in a local hospital premises inspiring people to make a pledge to donate eyes and other organs of their bodies. 

11. Sumit/ Smita, a Class XI student of 15, MG Road, Bengaluru desires to be a fashion designer. She writes to the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Ahmedabad seeking information about their courses, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, fee structure, placement opportunities etc. Write a letter of enquiry in 120-150 words on her behalf.                      



 As Mr. R. Singh, HOD Chemistry, Cambridge High School, Pune, you had placed an order with Messrs. Scientific Equipments, Dadar, Mumbai for test tubes and jars for the laboratory. When the parcel was received you observed that markings on the test tubes were not clear and some of the jars were damaged. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words seeking immediate replacement.                                                                                                              

12. You are Ajay/ Anu, Headboy/ Headgirl of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kanpur. You have seen some students of junior classes littering the school compound and verandahs with papers, tiffin leftovers etc. It makes the school unattractive to visitors, unclean, unhygienic and may even cause breeding of flies and mosquitoes leading to spread of diseases. Write a speech in 120 - 150 words to be delivered in morning assembly advising the students to keep the school neat and clean.                                                                                                                         5m


 ‘Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career.’ Write a debate either for or against the motion. (120- 150 words)


13. Answer any two of the following questions, one from prose and one from poetry in 30-40 words:                                                                                                                2 X 2 = 4m

a) Bring out the difference between Chinese and European paintings as depicted in the lesson ‘ Landscape of the Soul’.


b) Things placed along with Tut’s dead body in his tomb are the richest royal collection ever found anywhere. Why did Egyptians put such precious things beside the dead body?

c) Do you think the comparison drawn between the rain and music is an apt one? Elaborate.


d)  What different explanations does the poet give regarding the loss of his childhood?

 14. Answer any one of the following questions in 40-50 words : 2m

Draw a contrast between how Mrs Pearson was treated by her family in the beginning and how does she plan to spend evening with her family towards the end of the play. 


Give an account of the efforts made by Dr Andrew Manson to revive the still born child.

15. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 - 150 words: 5m

Mr. Lester R. Brown in his book, The Global Economic Prospect talks about four principal biological systems of the earth. Discuss how do these systems form the foundation of global economy and what can be the consequences of their depletion.


Mr. Crocker Harris doesn’t make a single appearance in the play ‘The Browning Version’ but his presence looms in the background all through. Attempt a character sketch of Mr. Harris in the light of whatever you have gathered about him from the play. 

16. Answer any one of the following questions in 120- 150 words:                            5m

Albert Einstein found himself miserable both in the German school and his quarters at Munich. What were the reasons for his misery and how did he attempt to get out of the situation?


Why had the narrator remembered the address in the beginning and why does she resolve to forget the address towards the end? 

********* END OF THE PAPER *********

Answer Key of this sample Paper

                           ANSWER KEY

Section A 


1. Any ten out of eleven             ( 1m X 10 = 10m)

i) c) cycling on a stationary bike

ii) a) to be able to run errands

iii) b) the brain is strengthened by multiplying them

iv) c) provides oxygen and nutrients to brain

v) b) communicating between brain cells

vi)  d) ‘banishes the blues’

vii) a) paradox

viii) c) mental benefits of cycling

ix) a) sedentary

x) b) fertilizer

xi) d) all of the above

2. Any 8 out of 9                                                                   ( 1m X 8 = 8m)

 i) a) The Return of the Cats 

ii) a) Madhya Pradesh vies closely with Karnataka for the first place.

iii) b) 4  

iv) b) is less than  

v)  a) Nepal 

vi) c) Home to the famous Royal Bengal Tiger, West Bengal is among the top tiger states of India.

vii) d) assiduous

viii) b) environment vs development

ix) a) leopard    

3. Any 4                                 ( 1m X 4 = 4m)

 i) d) Many

ii) b) A little

iii) b) work

iv) c) had reached

v) a) is raining

4. Any 4                                     ( 1m X 4 = 4m)

i) c) RPSQ

ii) d) QRPS

iii) b) SQRP

iv) a) QSPR

v) b) RPSQ   

5. A or B               ( 1m X 3 = 3m)

i) c) the mother and her cousins’

ii) d) they represent temporary life

iii) c) both a & b


i) a) quiet and still

ii) d) she is alert & cautious 

iii) b) feed her young ones

6.  Any 2 out of 3         (  3m X 2 = 6m )


 i) d) January 5

ii)  d) None of the above

iii) c) He became determined to save his family


B.  ( 1m X 3 = 3m)

i) c) In a café

ii) a) Both were more scholarly than devout

iii) d) there were no pilgrims


C. ( 1m X 3 = 3m) 

i) a) an Assyrian farmer

ii) d) all of the above

iii) c) pride, honesty & high morals

7. Any 5 out of 6                                                                                        ( 1m X 5 = 5m)

 i) d) the child would know it by heart 

ii) c) to help tackle one of the world’s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean

iii) a) She saw familiar things but in unfamiliar surroundings

iv) d) Concern for a girl

v) a) adults were not all they seemed to be

vi) b) because she rises in the form of water vapour


8.  Note Making & Summary                                                          8m

Note : i)If a student has attempted only summary or notes, due credit should be given. 1 m allotted for the title to be given if a student has written the title either in notes or summary.

ii) Minimum 3 main headings and 3 sub headings to form content

Distribution of Marks

Title : 1m

Numbering & Indenting: 1m

Notes: 2m ( Content 1m, Expression 1m)

Abbreviations(min 4) & key : 1m

Summary (up to 50 words) 3m


Suggested Notes : The notes provided below are merely guidelines. Any other title, main headings and sub headings should be accepted if they are indicative of a candidate’s understanding of the given passage.

Complete sentences not to be accepted as notes ( In such cases ½ -1mark can be deducted from marks allotted for notes).

Numbering of points can be indicated in different ways and these should be accepted as long as a consistent pattern is followed.

Title -  Health Benefits of Vegetables

1. Imp of Vegetables for Health

   1.1 Protective food & prevents diseases

   1.2 Maintain alkaline reserve in body

   1.3 High vit. & mineral content

         1.3.1 Vits A, B & C in fair amount

         1.3.2 Destroyed by faulty cooking & storage

2. Different kinds of vegetables & benefits

    2.1 Edible Roots- High in energy & vit B

    2.2 Stem – Rich in vits, min’ls, H2O & roughage

    2.3 Leaves

    2.4 Fruits

    2.5 Seeds

    2.6 Farinaceous vegs – provide carbs & energy

          2.6.1 potatoes, sweet potatoes, tubers & legumes

3. How to Derive Max. Benefit of Vegetables

    3.1 Consume fresh

    3.2 Eat in natural raw state

    3.3 Don’t peel

          3.3.1 Largest amount of vits directly under skin lost

    3.4 Avoid soaking

    3.5 Don’t cook in Aluminium utensils

          3.5.1 Tiny particles enter stomach & injure lining

          3.5.2 Lead to gastric irritation, digestive & intestinal ailments

Key to abbreviations  (min 4 )                              1m

1. Imp – Importance

2.vits – vitamins

3. min’ls – minerals

4. H2O – water

5. vegs – vegetables

6. carbs – carbohydrates

7. Max. – maximum

b) Summary should include all the important points given in notes.     3m

Content: 1.5 m

Expression: 1.5m

9. Notice Writing ( Any 1 out of 2)                                                      3m

Format  –  Should include Name of the school, city, Notice, date, title and writer’s name with designation. Candidate shouldn’t be penalised for writing notice without box. 1m

Content –   1m

Expression – Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words & spellings 1m

Suggested value points- what, when, where?

                                   Information about prizes to be won

                                   Inviting names of participants with last date


  • What, when, where?

  • Necessary instructions like reporting in proper kit

  • Inviting names of aspirants with last date

10. Poster Making ( Any 1 out of 2)                                                      3m

Format  – A catchy heading at the top, name of issuing authority at the bottom 1m

Content – No marks should be deducted for not mentioning issuing authority


Expression –creativity, grammatical accuracy, spelling, presentation 1m

Suggested value points – wear mask

  • Maintain social distancing

  • Wash hands regularly

  • Don’t touch eyes, nose, mouth

  • Strengthen immunity

  • Get vaccinated


Suggested value points- Benefits of organ donation

                                    Life saving act

                                    Where to contact,number

(any other relevant point)

11. Letter of Enquiry                                                            5m

    No marks to be awarded if only the format is given. 

     Format – Sender’s addresss, date, receiver’s address, subject, salutation, closing      1m

     Content –     2m

     Expression – 2m 

                           Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words & spellings 1m 

                            Coherence & relevance of ideas & style                      1m

Value points

 Career plan to pursue fashion designing, evince interest

 Enquire regarding various courses available, eligibility criteria, admission procedure, fee structure, placement opportunities etc.


Letter of Complaint

Value points

Date of purchase & receipt no.

Nature of defect discovered   

Disappointment at defective goods delivered

No utility of such items

Demand immediate replacement

12.  Speech                                                                                5m

     Note : No title is required

     Format – Opening address, closing     1m

     Content –     2m

     Expression – 2m

Suggested Value Points:

      -   Littering of school compound

  • Papers, leftover food an eyesore

  • Makes school unattractive to visitors

  • Unclean,  unhygienic surroundings

  • Not conducive to health, happiness or learning

  • Breeding of flies & mosquitoes may result in spread of diseases

  • Cleanliness next to Godliness

  • Necessary part of education



Note: In case of a stand taken by the candidate, if the arguments presented are   contradictory to the stand taken, deduct only half a mark.

Students’ view to be expressed either ‘for’ or ‘against’ the motion and not a mixed response

No title is required 

     Format –      1m Opening address taking a stand for or against the topic with   appropriate closure

     Content –     2m

     Expression –2m 

                            Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words & spellings 1m 

                            Coherence & relevance of ideas & style                       1m

Suggested Value Points:


  • Academics still rules the roost

  • Strong academic base necessary

  • Reason for Indian children doing well in foreign schools & colleges

  • Qualification & marks are the cake, other things only icing

  • Subject knowledge stands one in good stead

  •  Helps in tackling daily challenges at workplace


  • No dearth of qualified people

  • 21st Century skills more important in modern day jobs

  • MNCs give more weightage to good communication skills, IT skills

  • Personality & confidence win the day

  • Employers look for Leadership quality & team work

  • Well rounded personality needed at workplace


13. Short Answer Questions from Hornbill ( 2 X 2 = 4m)

One from Prose and One from Poetry

Content – 1m

Expression – 1m

a) European painters try to achieve a perfect, illusionistic likeness, European painter wants you to borrow his eyes and look at particular landscape exactly as he saw it from a specific point.

Chinese painter doesn’t choose a single viewpoint. His landscape is not a real one, and you can enter it from any point, his landscape is an inner one, a spiritual and conceptual space.


b) Egyptian royals were very wealthy and believed they could carry their riches with them to the other world. So King Tut lavished with glittering goods for his journey to the great beyond.

Stunning artefacts in gold placed due to another belief that their eternal brilliance was meant to guarantee resurrection.

  c) Yes the comparison is appropriate as both rain and song have a cyclic life. Just as rain originates in the form of vapours from the womb of the Earth, travels upwards to the sky to form clouds and comes back to the earth as raindrops, similarly a song/poem is born in the heart of its creator, travels all over the world whether liked or not by the people and comes back to echo in the heart of its creator.


d)  Different explanations given by the poet regarding the loss of his childhood are that maybe he lost his childhood when he completed the age of eleven years. Or when his rationality developed and failing to find hell and heaven in his geography book, he concluded that they don’t exist. Or when he realised the hypocrisy of adults as there is gap between their words and actions. Or when he realised his individuality and that he can think differently from the others.


14. Any 1 out of 2 SAQs from Snapshots (40-50 words)                           2m

     Content – 1m

     Expression- 1m

 In the beginning Mrs Pearson was treated like a servant by her family, she ran after them all the time taking their orders. She stayed at home every night while they went out to enjoy themselves. But after exchange of souls with Mrs Fitzgerald and cutting of her family down to size, towards the end Mrs Pearson was in a condition to call shots, they all stayed at home playing a game of rummy as desired by her. Children prepared dinner while she sat and talked with George.


First of all Dr Andrew tried a special method of respiration dipping the child alternately between hot and cold water kept in two basins. But no breath came from the lax body of the child. Then he decided to make one last effort, rubbing the child with a rough towel, pressing and releasing the little chest with both hands trying to get breath into his lifeless body. Then as if by a miracle, there was a heaving movement in his chest which made Andrew redouble his efforts. The child started gasping with signs of life appearing and finally the child cried.

15. LAQ from Hornbill (One out of two) 

Content:      2.5 marks

Expression: 2.5 marks

Suggested Value Points

Four principal biological systems – fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands – they form the foundation of global economic system – supplying our food and providing mostly all raw material for industry. Due to unsustainable use of these systems their productivity is being impaired – fisheries collapse due to overfishing as fish is a cheap source of protein for poor people – forests disappear as they are being cut in poor countries to get firewood for cooking – grasslands are converted into barren wastelands – croplands deteriorate – Since tropical forests are powerhouse of evolution, their destruction may result in extinction of several species of life.


Mr Crocker Harris – middle aged master of Greek literature – sincerely follows all the rules of the school which no other teacher pays attention to, doesn’t tell result to the students in advance – very strict teacher, has called Taplow for extra work as punishment even on the last day of the school-  hardly human according to Taplow, unpredictable – children scared of him even though he is not a sadist and doesn’t beat them – Taplow not ready to leave school at the advice of Frank as he’s afraid of punishment, Mr Harris may even follow him home – doesn’t like being liked by the students, incident of classical joke.

16. One out of two LAQs from Snapshots

Content:      2.5 marks

Expression: 2.5 marks

Suggested Value Points

Einstein unhappy at  German school as he didn’t believe in the system of education being followed – thought that education should be based on ideas not facts – no point in learning as they can always be looked up in books – confrontation with teachers and punishment for bad work and laziness had become routine – loved science but very little science was taught at school.

Unhappy at quarters – as lived in one of the poorest areas of Munich with hardly any facilities – bad food, lack of comfort, dirty surroundings but what bothered him most was the atmosphere of slum violence – his landlady beat her children regularly & every Saturday her husband came home drunk and beat her.

Tried to get out of school by trying to procure a certificate from a psychiatrist that going to school may result in his nervous breakdown.


Narrator at first decided to remember the address to reclaim belongings of her mother taken away by Mrs Dorling – First visit proved in vain – In the second visit greeted by the daughter of Mrs Dorling – called her inside – got a chance to see and touch those things after a long time - contrary to her expectations felt oppressed to see the things of her mother in strange surroundings – made up her mind to forget the address – didn’t want those things back any longer – had realised that the things associated in our memory with the familiar life of former times lose their value when you see them in strange surroundings cut off from the people and those times.



Sample paper of english class11 Sample paper of english class11 Reviewed by Shubham Prajapati on February 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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